An Open Letter to Brandeis University

Dear Brandeis University faculty,

I used to admire your University; my son-in-law is a Brandeis graduate, so how could you have allowed a takeover by CAIR?.  How could you have permitted them to usurp all the authority and withdraw your offer to one of the heroines of the modern generation!  What a black eye on your school, your staff, and America!  Ayaan Hirsi Ali deserves the award for speaking out against Islam, an ideology that is responsible for perhaps the biggest joke ever played on human beings – that the women have disfigured, be in constant bondage, subservient to men, and that the ignorant would side with the perpetrators of such a crime.

I say ignorant because that is the only thing that makes any sense to have both your administrators and staff turn against the victims of one of the most evil ideologies ever to exist.  If it’s not ignorance, then they have become as evil as those who commit the crimes of home bondage, rape, beheadings, female genital mutilation, chopping limbs, and stonings.  Then you might as well join the forces who are wearing the hijabs and burqas because if you’re not doing it yet, you’ll be doing it soon enough.  You have empowered the proponents of Sharia to set the rules by which you will live.  You have allowed the immigrants to set the rules for the host population, thereby making them the victors and the Americans the vanquished.

How much longer will you permit this to continue and to what extent?  What accommodations will you make next?  Prayers five times a day to Allah?  Will you start ordering prayer rugs and be sure you have a room large enough for all the students to use?  Will you so severely alter your classes so that they will be the equivalent of madrasses?

Shame on you!  Wake up and see what Islam has done to the Middle East, killing more than 270 million poeple over 1400 centuries to turn a once-non Islamic land mass to one that is entirely subservient to a tyrannic system.  Look at Europe!  England has accepted Sharia in such ways that, if the original population doesn’t rise up soon, that country will be lost, all because they insist they want peace.  Sweden has become the rape capital of the world.  Norway is lost, controlled by Nazism and Islam.  France’s streets are blocked with the behinds of the observant immigrants and Marseilles and other cities have been degraded with the trash seen in the impoverished cities of Morocco.

Islam is here to become dominant.  You are complicit in losing our country. How will you face your children and grandchildren and the parents of the students, who you robbed because you were supposed to protect them and teach them American citizenry, rather than Islamic subjugation.  The Islamic way of life cannot co-exist with our Constitution.  You are allowing the destruction of our Constitution.  The future is in your hands and in the hands of other Universities who, unfortunately, do not deserve the right to teach our progeny.  May the parents grasp the meaning of your actions and  pull the students out before they are severely damaged.

Please retract your statements, say NO! to CAIR.  You have it within your power to stop this.

Wake up, please; please, wake up.