Black Democrat attacks Justice Thomas for having a white wife


Justice Clarence and Virginia Thomas. Photo courtesy of

As we mentioned previously, black Conservatives receive no quarter, and here is the latest installment.

Black Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, and his wife Virginia Thomas were recently attacked by Alabama Democrat State Representative Alvin Holmes for having a white wife.

According to the Washington Times, ” While on the floor of the Alabama House of Representatives, state Rep. Alvin Holmes, a black Democrat, explained why he so dislikes Clarence Thomas: because “he’s married to a white woman.”

Rep. Holmes didn’t help his situation when he spoke to a reporter for the Anniston Star. Holmes said he was misinterpreted, but added that Justice Thomas was an “Uncle Tom.” “I said some people might say I didn’t like him because he was married to a white woman,” Mr. Holmes told the Anniston Star, before including the “Uncle Tom” addendum.

Does anyone hear any criticism from the mainstream media? Did President Obama come out and denounce the use of such horrible words from Holmes, or Rev. William Barber — after all, wasn’t it our first (half) black president who said we didn’t need such vitriol in our political discourse?

Last week Justice Thomas told a crowd at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida that the “worst things that have been done to me, the worst things that have been said about me, [were] by northern liberal elites, not by the people of Savannah, Georgia.”

But obviously it’s not just white northern liberal elites. Justice Thomas, along with many other black conservatives, must endure the unrelenting ugliness from black liberals. As we’ve mentioned before, North Carolina NAACP President Rev. William Barber II referred to Senator Tim Scott as a “ventriloquist dummy.” And the silence from organizations like the NAACP and the faux black leaders such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and others is deafening.

I believe this to be a calculated white progressive socialist tactic — use liberal blacks to denigrate and attack conservative blacks who don’t tow the line of servitude to white liberals. After all, hundreds of years ago, blacks were captured and sold into slavery by other blacks from conflicting tribes in Africa.

Right here on our Facebook and website pages, you can read vicious comments from blacks who forgo a discussion of the issues to simply dispense their personal vitriol.

The hypocrisy is to me unconscionable. If white conservatives — actually white anything — challenge President Barack Hussein Obama’s policies they are admonished as “racists.” We are already beginning to hear “sexist” and “misogynist” hurled at those questioning the qualifications of Hillary Clinton.

But where are these liberal voices when black conservatives are hunted down and disparaged? Where is the “liberal tolerance?” The bottom line is this, liberal progressives — black, white, Hispanic or whatever – simply do not want opposition. They do not want political discourse. They do not want any challenge to their agenda. They demand abject obedience, subservience, subjugation and silence, and will destroy anyone standing in their way. They are American totalitarians and will use any means necessary to achieve their ends. Liberal progressives are the most hateful individuals in America — there is no other explanation for their actions.

Just last week while running through my neighborhood in PGA National, a white liberal woman riding in the passenger seat of a car, recognized me and flipped me off. I suppose that reflected the sophistication of her communications skills Her action didn’t depress me, but it certainly emboldens me.

I have no doubt the attacks will keep coming, with ever-increasing viciousness, as they attempt to disparage my honor and service to this country. Black conservatives know this will always be the case, but we will neither relent nor surrender.

Please don’t tell me how progressives are so compassionate and welcoming. What a crock. And to the leadership of the NAACP: you hypocrites are hardly seeking the advancement of Colored People. You’ve become like the tribes in Africa who captured and sold their brothers and sisters into slavery. You serve only your own self-interest and the white liberal Democrats — who have a history of enslaving blacks, whether physically as it once was, or economically as it is now. You should be ashamed to bear those chains. Black conservatives stand freely and independently. Join us.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on