Recommended Reading and Books for Christmas
It’s been a busy year with the last talk last month, on “Weather Underground in the Ivory Tower” with Tina Trent, sponsored by the National Association of Scholars. A membership to NAS, which includes a subscription to Academic Questions, would make a nice Christmas gift.
Books always make good gifts too, and here are a few:
Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer with the Weathermen by the late American hero, Larry Grathwohl (reissued by Tina Trent). You can order here (especially of interest to young people who are being indoctrinated with tales of heroism by the likes of Bill Ayers).
Exiled: Stories from Conservative and Moderate Professors Who Have Been Ridiculed, Ostracized, Marginalized, Demonized, and Frozen Out by yours truly with sad, funny, and shocking first person accounts by the tenured and undocumented instructors. A nice review appears in the EdBasic Education blog.
And for educational purposes, please remember these Dissident Prof titles: A New Beginning, or a Revised Past? Barack Obama’s Cairo Speech (taught in many English classes as unmitigated truth and eloquence) and Bill Ayers: Teaching Revolution about the domestic terrorist’s influence on education. All available at the Dissident Prof bookstore here.
Another worthy biography/history If Not Us, Who? William Rusher, National Review, and the Conservative Movement reviewed at the Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research. Subscribe to their newsletter for must-reads on issues often overlooked by other sites (Smolensk plane crash update by Pawel Piotr Styrna of the Institute of World Politics in Washington, D.C.).
More recommended reads:
On the rampant violations on the Constitution by Fred Eckert, “America, We Have a Problem–It’s a Constitutional Crisis”–in Town Hall
Two articles on Newspeak (dig out 1984): Daniel Greenfield “Liberal Newspeak” and Lee Harris. “Newspeak’s Comeback and the Invincible Sincerity of America’s Liberal Elite”
On Common Core and teaching STEM by Sandra Stotsky, “Should American High Schools Prepare Any Students for STEM? Common Core Doesn’t Think So.” in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
The continued profit-making from crime on our college campuses by domestic terrorists, specifically Katherine Ann Power at
On the controversy regarding the teaching of The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison by someone who has taught the “text,” Tina Trent, again, who makes a good distinction between ongoing threats to education and new ones under Common Core. There are ways and places to teach the novella, but a high school English class is certainly not one. Very instructive reading there.