Democrat Senators want to Admit 65,000 Syrian Refugees

Dhimmi Democrat Senators Durbin of Illinois, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and 12 others have signed a letter calling for  the Obama Administration to admit  a flood of 65,000 Syrian Muslim Refugees ‘suggested’ by UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).  Their suggested acquiescence to this UNHCR amounts to fulfilling the Dar al Hijrah imperative in the Hadith (alleged sayings of Mohammed) to use migration to conquer the whole world for Islam. In our  upcoming June NER interview with Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch she notes that fully 92 percent of the small number of 800+ Syrian Refugees admitted to the U.S. under the 1980 Refugee Act were Sunni Muslims , the balance were Christians and other religious minorities. Be sure and watch her Center for Security Policy YouTube video which has now reached 530,720 hits:

How will the DHS under Secretary Jae Johnson vet Syrian refugees in camps in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan when it couldn’t do that for Somali, Iraqi and Bosnian refugees letting hundreds if not thousands of terrorist supporters in the U.S.?  Adam Kredo of The Washington Free Beacon reported Friday that the DHS admitted that several hundred terrorist supporters entered the U.S. illegally, and subsequently were admitted as refugees giving rise to Congressional demands for information and a likely hearing:

Congress is demanding that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) release documents detailing how many foreigners seeking asylum in the United States have been found to have ties to terror groups, according to a recent letter sent to the agency by leading lawmakers.

The letter comes on the heels of revelations by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that at least 638 aliens seeking asylum in America have been found to have connections to terrorists.

This “recent disclosure regarding the numbers of aliens found to have a ‘credible fear’ in cases where the terrorism bar to asylum eligibility may have applied raised the concern that hundreds of known and suspected aliens with terrorist connections may be attempting to take advantage of our country’s asylum system,” according to the letter, sent by leaders of four House committees on national security, the judiciary, and government reform.

The USCIS found that “the terrorism bar to asylum eligibility may be applicable to 299 aliens who were found to have a ‘credible fear’ of persecution in the first four months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, and to 339 aliens who were found to have a ‘credible fear’ in FY 2014,” the lawmakers disclosed.

The Hill reported on the Democrat Senate group support for the flood of 65,000 Syrian refugees nearly double the current allotment of 70,000 refugees from all countries being admitted under the ‘humanitarian refugee program”:

A group of Senate Democrats is urging the Obama administration to allow at least 65,000 Syrian refugees to settle inside the United States.

“While the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees, we must also dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees that we accept for resettlement,” the group of 14 lawmakers — led by Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) — said Thursday.

The group letter noted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) wants to resettle 130,000 Syrian refugees over the next two years and has thus far submitted more than 12,000 resettlement cases to the United States for consideration.

“Following the international community’s tragic failure to shelter Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazi genocide, the United States played a leadership role in establishing the international legal regime for the protection of refugees,” they wrote. “In keeping with this history, we urge your Administration to work to accept at least 50 percent of Syrian refugees whom UNHCR is seeking to resettle, consistent with our nation’s traditional practice under both Republican and Democratic presidents.”

On the same day, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) called the resettlement effort a “serious mistake” because of the security risks it poses.


[The Democratic group of Senators] said they understood the security concerns about the program.

“We must continue to carefully screen refugee applicants for all national security and terrorism concerns, but we urge you to devote sufficient resources and staff to ensure that this process does not hinder resettlement for legitimate refugees, many of whom are living in difficult, even life-threatening, situations,” they said.

Senators concluded by saying “it is a moral, legal, and national security imperative for the United States to lead by example in addressing the world’s worst refugee crisis of our time by greatly increasing the number of Syrian refugees who are resettled in our country.”

The UN suggestion for the U.S. taking in a massive wave of displaced Muslim Syrian refugees coupled the Democratic Senators appeal should vault this issue to the forefront of debate in the 2016 Presidential contenders’ debates. It is past time for Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), chair of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security and Sen Jeff Sessions R-AL)  chair of the Senate Immigration and National Interest  Sub Committee to hold oversight hearings on the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and place a moratorium on UNHCR allotments of refugees from countries that hate us.  Gowdy was prompted to write letters to Secretary of State Kerry asking why contractors for the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program have targeted Spartanburg, South Carolina for placement of Syrian refugees in his home congressional district.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is of Syrian refugee children.