The Unpolished Politician is what will ‘Make America Great Again’
Today I learned that Barack Obama has proposed an Amendment to the Constitution that would limit the 1st Amendment. It would seem that President Obama doesn’t like the fact that we have freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. We also have a repeat of the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nomination race because Hillary is back and she is touting her 40 plus years of public service. She does this in spite of the fact that she could possibly have committed major crimes while serving as Secretary of State under President Obama. Let that sink in for a moment. The Secretary of State under the most spiteful president in our nation’s history now wants to be our president.
Now, Hillary claims still, that she is a ‘champion of the people’ and only wants to take care of the lot of us. The problem with taking care of us is that Democrats and RINO Republicans have to pounce on and trounce the Constitution. The Democrats are very familiar with the thrashing of the Constitution. They like doing it in fact they love doing it and they support anyone who says they will continue to do it. For example, look at the rising support for Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. This is the main reason that candidates like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina are on the rise because they talk about preserving the Constitution and reducing government in our daily lives. While RINO types of candidates like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Lindsey Graham are on the decline in support.
One of the best slogans we have seen in years comes from Donald Trump. It’s simple and to the point. ‘Make America Great Again’. He is the only candidate I have heard actually say that and of course some would argue that America is still great and that Mr. Trump has it wrong. I would agree that America is still great but we are not as great as we once were and that is what Trump is talking about. He wants to take us back to when the Constitution was still the rule of law , freedom was the rule of the market, and personal responsibility was the rule of the people. That is the kind of greatness Trump is talking about.
Let me be clear on this. You cannot be for the Constitution and personal responsibility if you are for laws that subject the American People to government over regulation and laws that dictate how you act and think not only in public but in the privacy of your own home. And if you are not for the Constitution you cannot be a lover and supporter of the United States of America.
We have more laws, rules and regulations on the books than ever before. We now have less freedom to protect ourselves, our family and loved ones, and our hard earned property yet we still have more crime. The Democrats and the RINOs to this day continue to add more laws, rules and regulations to “protect” us.
It would seem that Americans are eager to elect officials that simply want to rule over us, instead of govern us. We see this in the growing crowds that an admitted socialist is garnering on his quest to garner the Democratic Nomination for President. To me those large crowds are a little troublesome because when you break down what he is saying one has to ask the question how are we going to pay for all of this new spending and government takeover that Senator Bernie Sanders is proposing? If someone dares to ask him that question he and his supporters look at you like you are crazy.
When you force them to face the facts that even if you confiscate all the wealth from the top 50% of this country, it would not even begin to cover the new spending let alone the huge debt we already have they look at you like you are crazy. When you explain that even if you take the entire private economy and confiscate a full year of value and production, it is still LESS than what the national debt currently is they look at you like you are crazy. And that debt is only going to continue to grow.
When you point out that taking money out of the private sector actually takes money out of their own back pocket and you prove it via facts, figures, and numbers as stated by the government itself, they continue with that glassy eyed look. And when you finally tell them that what made this country great was freedom and opportunity and freedom from government over regulation they will look at you like you are really crazy. And when you prove it to them historically, many of them continue to look at you with those same big, glassy eyes.
The sad part is they get it. Don’t let them fool you they really do get it. Now you will have some that will capitulate and convert to a more conservative point of view and you will have others who will ignore you because they are all about class warfare, jealousy, and not about what is doing what is best for the nation but in the end it is all about high taxation and regulation. This class warfare, this high taxation, this over regulation is not American. It is not America. It is not what makes America great.
What makes America great is the people doing what they do best without the interference of the government. That is what made America great in the first place and that is what Donald Trump says will make us even greater in the future.
For liberals who don’t get that, well maybe we can get you some government issued sunglasses.
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