VIDEO: Russia and Failed American Intelligence
Vice President Cheney’s comment that “Russian Meddling Perhaps An act of war” is right. It signals and echoes my writings about the ongoing WW III and Soviet/Russian “active measures” apparatus. At the same time, a leftist representative of the social media, Ted Koppel accused Sean Hannity of preferring ideology over the facts. Ted Koppel doesn’t understand that ideology is a FACT. All of these ongoing events are taking place with a background of shameful and politicized American Intelligence, which demonstrated its failure to expose Obama’s “shadow” government to the entire world…
It is not a coincidence that Russia is in the center of world affairs in 2017—that was the agenda of the Socialist Revolution in Russia a hundred years ago. The main purpose of the Revolution was a war against capitalism to create a Socialist State. Later, the war was widened by using chaos and confusion in our freedom loving Western civilization to pursue global capitalism’s utter destruction. Look at the world today and you will see several great “achievements” of the Socialist agenda around the globe from Muslim Socialism in the Mideast to Socialists in America. Alan West said: we have seventy Socialists in the Congress.
Being an American citizen, I’d like to show you that most of America’s problems derive from the same source—the ideology of Socialism/Communism, which I have begun calling Soviet Fascism. A collapse of the Soviet Union did not change the ideological agenda of Russia, it only proved the collapse of a state run Socialist economy unable to produce in many aspects for the people and society as a whole. That exact country’s predicament brought Vladimir Putin, Lt. Colonel of the KGB from Germany and Leningrad where he worked, to Moscow. That was the time for the West to learn and be vigilant. Alas, we missed the time…
I don’t like to advertise myself, yet, history should be respected. Please, read what I have written about Russia in July 2008, just before Obama’s election:
“Just remember, Russia is a HOUSE of CARDS—its major force is the rest of the world: recruited leaders of other countries and infiltrated moles. …. As the Cold War, caused the collapse of the Soviet Union; WWIII will expedite dissolution of the Russian Federation. … Fortunately, Russia has smart and talented leaders to change the predicament in the country. One of them is Boris Nemtsov; I have already introduced him to you. The West should hope, help, and pray for him…”pp. 337-338, What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012.
America not only missed the time, we did not read my books and learn about a new man, Putin in Moscow and his old profession as a Russian agent of counterintelligence. Today, the panel on the Senate Judicial Committee Hearing is demonstrating our mistakes, the same ones that I have been warning America for the last twenty years. Yet, the mistakes are still intact even in the narratives of the agenda, in terms of a Russian connection. My conclusion is emphasizing the importance of the fourth investigation, which is Trump’s surveillance by a former administration and Obama’s clandestine ties with Russia. As I have written in the quote above: Russia’s “major forces in the rest of the world are recruited leaders of the countries and infiltrated moles.”
A brief history of the theory of Socialism/Communism.
Marx’s fraudulent Theory of Socialism/Communism brought disruption and violence to Europe in the 19th century. Using Marxism, Stalin quadrupled a fraud in the 20th century and created a model of modern Socialism by using compulsion and brutal force of the agency, known to us as the KGB, the leader of “active measures.” Following Stalin’s strategy of using surrogates (like Jihadists), and tricks of Political Correctness in fighting political opposition, Putin now wields globally an incredible violence, the likes of which we haven’t seen since WW II. You can read the details of these ideas in my latest book: Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016.
Reading the book, you will learn my definition of Soviet Fascism and the war crimes of Obama/Putin joint venture, I named Destruction of the American Republic. That joint venture caused genocide in the Middle East, particularly in Aleppo, while Obama totally acquiesced, helping Putin. If you read about the author of Political Correctness, you will see how Stalinism works in American domestic and foreign policy for the last several decades. You will also grasp the changes within the Democrat Party from Harry Truman to the party of Soviet Fascism—a spectacular failure of our Intel…
Cancer of Obama/Putin Joint Venture and the 2016 Election
The question of what do Washington D.C., Obama, and Hitler all have in common is—absent Fathers. Yet, the last two have a lot more in common if you know the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. Though I’ve been writing about Russia for a long time, initially I used the term Soviet Socialism, but when I learned more, I’ve begun to use the term Soviet Fascism. Of course, the key word is still Socialism, something I personally experienced throughout half of my life. Socialism is like cancer in a healthy body.
Just as cancer cells work at the physical level on the individual body, we have a comparable malignancy actively affecting a mental, political and even physical level to defeat the healthy functioning body of mankind. This cancer is called Socialism. Socialism is a system-parasite, it feeds off a healthy body until it kills its host. Socialism creates nothing, it only destroys or forcefully takes. That is why we must know and understand the modus operandi of the KGB active measures, and I have illustrated it in my books and columns.
Socialism depends on and needs free enterprise, wealth, capitalism and private property; in other words–a healthy body. Otherwise, it has nothing to feed on. To mask its dependency, Socialism promises things in the future, without actually delivering. It uses lies, fraud, intimidation, bluffing and many Stalin’s different tools and methods listed in my book What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012. All of these you could see in the election 2016, where the KGB was working on the Obama side, helping Hillary. By the way, the collaboration is going back to the Clinton mafia, decades ago—money, Uranium, and so on. Show me one thing helping Trump. None! Trump’s administration is the enemy of Russia and Obama/Putin joint venture: you are witnessing a continued witch hunt of it by Obama’s shadow government today…
It was documented that Russian attempts to meddle in our elections has occurred since 1972. No news! Today, the investigation of Russian meddling can be productive only with knowledge of Obama/Putin joint venture and KGB’s modus operandi. A designed policy to tie Trump with Russia and make it criminal is the attempt to cover up the treasonous behavior of Obama and the DNC during all eight years of their regime. Demonizing Trump policy is a typical KGB, Stalinist method plus KGB’s disinformation campaign, well known to us, the people from socialist countries. Both are manufactured false narratives.
History is the Mother of all sciences. I have been writing about Russia for the last twenty-five years, when our media was absolutely silent on the topic. Some, like David Remnick, who has been editor of The New Yorker magazine since 1998, fed us with half truths about Russia for decades. Suddenly, after the defeat of Hillary, Russia has become a major topic of print, radio, and the TV shows. Just take the CNN show The Most Powerful Man in the World, by GPS, March 26, 2016.
Commenting the history of the Soviet Union’s Collapse, the anchor stated the following: “The institutions like the KGB simply ceased to exist.” I couldn’t believe my ears. My adrenaline boiled immediately. What an Ignorance within the media in 2017! Now you can see how Socialist-cancer is working in America today within the Democrat Party, trying to cover up Obama/Putin joint venture. As I have written in my column March 8, 2017: Please, remember that Classic Liberalism has ceased to exist—it has been buried by Soviet Fascism in the 20th century. Today, we are dealing with the Radical Left, which comprises all the groups united by Soviet Fascism.
American Intelligence Fails
As you know, good intelligence is nation’s major asset. Unfortunately, America doesn’t have one. Because we have no knowledgeable cadres in any of the 17 agencies, we experience a systemic parasite “working” in both domestic and foreign policies. Which one of the 17 had vetted Senator Barack Obama, I have not heard. Did you? Because of poor understanding and unawareness of the KGB actions, you can find in my books many examples of our erroneous foreign policy. Here is an example of our domestic recent fiasco in the attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare. I believe that the assignment for Obamacare came to America from the Russian Academy of Science many years ago. Please consider the following.
A leader of the Socialist Revolution, Vladimir Lenin has left advice for the leaders building the Socialist system—the government Health Care system must be enacted first. Don’t attribute to Lenin any benevolence to mankind; health care is a matter of life and death, every citizen needs a well-functioning health care. Lenin’s socialism had a precise target, the entire population–it enslaved all citizens in this one shot. And this is not the first and the last example of Soviet Socialism. Unfortunately Obama’s administration left more unknown yet obscure attributes of Socialism, set up in our system.
If you know the literature written by Vladimir Lenin and his Socialism, you will understand that Obamacare has little to do with health. Its main target was an existing system of health care—to destroy it. Then it planned to establish a Socialist model, which according to Lenin was supposed to be deeply connected to the budget and other monetary links of the government—the second Obama agenda to bankrupt the entire system. The GOP’s fiasco happened because they didn’t know Socialism. Like some dissent Democrats, they also don’t know Josef Stalin’s Doctrine on One World Government, well known to Barack Obama. If you want to know what is ahead of us, please read my conversation with Rush Limbaugh, pp. 571-574, Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, Xlibris, 2002.
Our Intelligence doesn’t know Socialism either. Regrettably, the 17 agencies charged with that responsibility, which cost us an arm and a leg, don’t maintain the professional capacity and knowledge within them and the leadership of the agencies don’t serve the country well. Recall what I have written about the moles in 2008. The most important fact is that the leadership of the Intel doesn’t recognize our foremost enemies and don’t want you to know them as well. As a matter of fact, the information about all of my books and columns has been blocked by our Intel for the last twenty-five years.
I am writing about Russia vis-à-vis America, about Soviet Fascism and nonmilitary, asymmetrical war waged against us by Russia. What is the reason to block this information? I believe that only Russia is interested in blocking information about my writings. The current turmoil in our land caused by Russian hacking and nobody knows about my four books and over sixty columns to read the truth about real course of events. Maybe there is a connection between our Intel and Russia? I don’t like Director FBI Comey’s deputy Andrew McCabe; he postponed for two weeks the delivery to Comey of very important information from the New York Department in the Hillary investigation. It was done purposely…
Look at a current arguments between Chairman of House Committee Davin Nunes (R) and his deputy Adam Schiff (D) about Nunes’ visit to the White House—a diversionary tactic by the Democrats. The argument is just a waste of time and taking political energy from the major events, which are: 1.The crux of the matter, the Obama administration and its treasonous activities–collaboration with Russia. 2. An abuse by Obama’s cronies today, as a shadow government and its attempt to make Trump administration criminally liable for ties with Russia. Those are the major questions in a labyrinth of several current Russian investigations. Watch the Democrats trying to defend the Obama regime by hook or by crook—a typical KGB modus operandi to blame the opponent for what has been done by himself…
Watch also Senate Committee and Senator Marc Warren. What does Senator Warren know about the KGB and its modus operandi? The answer is Zero, Nil, Nothing, like his friend in the House Adam Schiff. Maybe they know why the number of leaks and the unmasking is going on. No, they know nothing about the crucial information. Did they read one of my books or column? No. Unfortunately, Paul Ryan and some Republicans know about Socialism and its active measures by the KGB not enough to grasp the seriousness of the monumental moment in history, which is demanding us to act quickly and decisively.
Yes, the GOP and the Trump administration have a rare opportunity to unmask the Obama administration and expose the criminality of DNC going on during the last eight years. They should read at least my two latest books to know the nitty gritty of Obama/Putin joint venture. They will learn more than any other sources can educate them about Russia. Obtaining exclusive information, the GOP will gain unique insight on international affairs to be able to expose the Democrat party as a Cancer and Fraud on the healthy body of America. Some events in the books has never been discussed anywhere else, like the crash of our helicopter and the death of 19 Navy Seals or the Clinton Mafia.
Now you can see a cancerous ideology is a FACT on our American soil. And that making “the Swamp” much deeper and widely than Washington D.C. only. Just look at many Colleges and Universities where students-protesters refused the First Amendment, as a basis of our democracy. This is a visual and dramatic result of the long-term teaching by socialist-professors, who have been inculcated a cancerous ideology in the young minds for the last 50-60 years. To perceive a tremendous damage done to our country by the influence of Soviet Fascism, just recall the statements of the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov to Blacks and Muslims. Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders.
Moreover, if you read Chapter 25 of the book, Stalinism and Destabilization of America, you will find a long-rang plan by the KGB under Andropov’s leadership targeting Blacks and Muslims communities. It was Andropov talking about “how terrorism and violence against Israel and her master American Zionism would flow naturally from the Muslim’s religious fervor.” And today you have a response from “Andropov’s Students” in America: the Rich Swier column: Black Lives Matter Leader Rachel Gilmer: ‘Zionism at its core is white supremacy’ April, 2, 2017,
There is definitely a connection of times and the ideology of Soviet Fascism is a factual doer. You can look at p.151 of Socialist Lies and see another confirmation of the Soviet past, a picture showing Russians fighting Ukraine under Stalin’s banner in the 2015. Ideology is a FACT in 2017 and a professional investigation of both Obama’s activities in his political life and especially the actions of his shadow government will show a coordinated events with Russia, like Benghazi and killing bin-Laden, I had been writing for many years… We are on the threshold of Watergate No. 2, if we are able to expose Obama/Putin joint venture, spying on the Trump campaign and his presidency.
To help our failed Intelligence, I am submitting two videos made in Russia by the people you can trust. Watch a movie about Prime Minister Medvedev. It is in English and demonstrates a copy of the criminal activities, Putin began many years ago. A movie about Putin is in Russian.
A film about Prime Minister Medvedev:
A film about Putin:
To be continued at
Susan Rice Requested Unmasking of Incoming Trump Administration Officials
The problem with people is that they never learn from History. There is a good saying “A man learns from the mistakes of others, peoples don’t”.
There were so many warnings about Communism taking over the West. No decisive action followed. Communism is like AIDS – it’s often very hard to detect it before it is late. People do not die because of AIDS but from other illnesses that a contaminated immune system fails to defeat. So is Communism that destroys Immune System of Human Intelligence and the Instinct of Self-preservation.