A Second Trump Term will ‘Destroy Democracy in America’. Good I Say.

Joe Manchin warns second Trump term will “destroy democracy in America.”

I say I hope so. Why? Because Joe, America is not a democracy. America is a constitutional republic where we the people elect legislators to represent our wishes. But do they? Sadly because most of us do not pay attention, as we were taught to be the silent majority, our representatives do not listen. Too many of us due to the lack of a civics education have no idea where to start. We think government is overwhelming, scary, and feel legislators won’t listen.

I promise you it is not.

The most important thing I learned is that in my area of expertise I know more than my legislator. Once my legislator realized I presented well researched, factual information in a well thought out professional manner, they were willing to listen. Sometime they agreed, sometimes they did not but the lines of communication were always open. I also always made friends and included the chief of staff in all emails and I followed up.  I started locally in my county.

Recently I spend a day in Tallahassee, Florida’s capital, lobbying with the team from Defend Florida for election integrity and the Florida Citizen’s Alliance for education. The goal was to present our bills, get a legislator sponsor who would get the bills into the House and Senate Bill Drafting where they could be viewed by legislators and turned into the appropriate language.  Fortunately our bills were well received and we found sponsors for both the house and senate.

I was also able to go to a rules workshop which allows for citizen input.  The committee was writing the rules regarding a form for procedure of vote by mail. How many of you know that you as a private citizen can influence the rule making process? Too often the Bills are written in a manner open to too much interpretation, but the rule are very precise. We can have a great deal of input in how a bill is implemented.

Did you know that in Florida you can track committees, legislators and bills.  For the House go to : https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/ and for the senate go to https://flsenate.gov/

Go to tracking first and sign in. When you select who or what you are tracking you will get a notice every time there is movement on your subject.

The Florida Citizen Alliance has focused on 3 bills. A soon as they are accepted and have numbers I will tract them.

  1. A Harmful to Minors materials bill strengthening Florida’s Obscenity Chapter 847 for Minors; to prevent exposure to pornographic and sexually explicit material. These materials harm children and potentially groom them to be trafficked.
  2. A strong opt-in bill putting parents in control of their child’s education. This is consistent with and expands parents’ rights in education by changing all current opt-out options to opt-in. Among other things such a bill would allow parents to prevent their children from being exposed to sexually explicit materials being used in the classroom or recommended on any K-12 reading list.
  3. Expand HOPE Scholarships to allow students to use the Hope Scholarship for home education as defined by FS 1002.41. This expands parents’ rights and educational freedom by allowing students to attend a private school or choose home education.

Defend Florida, https://defendflorida.org has focused on 4 aspects of election integrity:

  1. Citizenship Packet *
  2. Voter Roll Accuracy Packet
  3. Absentee Voting Packet
  4. Technology Packet

3 Bills already have sponsors

The ones with numbers can be tracked

This is the legislative season. Our state government is out of control just like the federal government. It is easier to conduct oversight on your local and state government so start there. Work local, then move up to the state. Remember in the eyes of your legislator every time you call with any opinion they count you as 100 people.  It’s up to us to vet our candidates and then make sure they follow our direction. Doing nothing gets you nothing. Is America worth saving?

Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everything has a plan. All plans are lies. All Globalists want is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL Don’t give them yours. Challenge them with the truth. Doing Nothing is affirmation.

©2023. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

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