Former NYPD top dog: ‘For the last 20 years our biggest concern was ISIS, Al Qaeda. Now it’s the citizens of the US’
James Comey just said the same thing. Remember in Animal Farm how Boxer the horse struggled to remember, as the pigs implemented their totalitarian rule, how things had once been different? It’s all-important to remember, and these vicious and mendacious propagandists such as Comey and Bratton, and many others, are doing their level best to make sure we forget.
Remember: it wasn’t “far-right extremists” who rioted all summer in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Wisconsin, New York, Atlanta, Washington, DC, and numerous other cities that I have already forgotten. It was Leftists: Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who have also been found to have been among those storming the Capitol that is being used as a Reichstag Fire pretext to shut down dissent from the Leftist agenda.
Snyder talks about “violent white supremacists, neo-Nazis, sovereign citizens, militia movements,” but what he really means are ordinary citizens who oppose the dominant political philosophy. Lies such as what Bratton is spreading here are in service of solidifying the hegemony of that philosophy.
“Domestic terrorism has superseded the threat of international terrorism, warns ex-NYC police commissioner,”
by Emily DeCiccio, CNBC, January 15, 2021:
Former New York City police commissioner Bill Bratton warned CNBC’s “The News with Shepard Smith” that domestic terrorism has superseded the threat of international terrorism in the United States.
“For the last 20 years our biggest concern was international terrorism — ISIS, Al Qaeda,” Bratton said in a Friday evening interview. “Now it’s here and it’s us, and it’s the citizens of the United States, some of whom are rebelling against everything we thought we believed in for the last 300 to 400 years.”
Former Homeland Security Department counterterrorism official, Nate Snyder, echoed Bratton’s sentiments on “The News with Shepard Smith.”
“If you’re talking about the lethality of the threat, domestic terrorism — meaning violent white supremacists, neo-Nazis, sovereign citizens, militia movements — have been the most lethal threat in these past ten years compared to Al Qaeda and ISIS- inspired threats,” Snyder said….
India: Muslims violently assault Hindu woman and her minor son, vandalize her shop
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.