Colin Powell email on Bill Clinton ‘D_ _ king Bimbos’ goes viral
Never put something in writing, or in an email, if you don’t want others to read it. Guccifer 2.0 has released a series of emails including one with Tim Kaine’s cell phone number and a series of conversations between Colin Powell and Jeffrey Leeds, a Democratic Party mega-donor.
In the below exchange Powell writes Leeds about Hillary’s “unbridled ambition and greed.” Powell then notes that Bill Clinton is still “dicking bimbos.”
Since this was posted social media has gone wild with Bill dicking bimbos at his home. The Twitter #DickingBimbos has gone viral. Facebook is ablaze with postings of the Powell emails.
What more can one say other than to let you read all of the emails released by Guccifer 2.0. Watch this:
UPDATE: The DNC is now fundraising off of Hillary Clinton’s health.
New Guccifer 2.0 DNC dump and Colin Powell’s private emails leaked
How Colin Powell Really Feels About Hillary, Bill, and the “Bimbos”
For those who are nostalgic for Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky here is the 1966 hit Devil with the Blue Dress from the Sock It To Me ~ Baby! album by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels:
EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton in 2014. Photo: JIM WATSON.