Arming Children: The Islamic State and Mexico’s Gulf Cartel
There is much talk about disarming law abiding American citizens by the Obama administration but little done to stop the use of children as hit-men by Mexican drug cartels and soldiers by the Islamic State.
This is the worst form of child abuse – using children to kill, slaughter, behead, assassinate.
Pamela Geller in her column “Generation Kill: The Child Soldiers of the Islamic State” writes:
Look at this child [right]. Remember him. This is your children’s future.
This is who your children will face in the future. These children are being trained to kill. These children are being schooled in the sharia and jihad. Our children are being disarmed and misled about the genocidal ideology behind this war. Sheeps to slaughter.
The below video, called “The Cubs of Dijla” in a reference to the young boys being indoctrinated and groomed to fight, shows children as the clip’s primary speakers. They deliver monologues and recite verses of the Quran, marking the first time the Islamic State has depicted boys—one as young as three—speaking at length directly into the camera.
Mia De Graff writing for the Daily Mail reports:
These are the baby-faced members of Mexico’s menacing Gulf Cartel [right].
In an unprecedented series of photos, scores of hitmen have unmasked themselves to apparently prove: ‘We aren’t afraid to show our faces, we want you to see nothing but the Gulf Cartel.’
Shockingly, some look as young as 12.
The Gulf Cartel is one of Mexico’s oldest, dating back to the Prohibition era.
With roots in the United States, Europe, West Africa, Asia, Central America, and South America, the organization wields significant power over the drug-trafficking trade – despite losing ground to rivals in recent years.
Here is a video about Mexican drug cartels:
The use of children as killers is as bad as using children as sex slaves. Evil is evil. Not to call this evil is a travesty. Sadly the Gulf Cartel and Islamic State continue to recruit, train and use children to kill — these are the baby-faced hit men of the 21st Century.