Papacy Using Pastors to Push Protestant Reunification
We are seeing the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Early Americans saw the first beast in Revelation 13 as the papacy that they fled for freedom in the New World. Then the second beast (U.S.) makes an image or look-alike to the Old World Order. New World Order under the UN is a focus now.
“Protestants, as a people, have a long history of heresy. The time for reconciliation is now in order to ensure a full and dogmatic transition into the folds of the Church,” said Rick Warren, Pastor of the Saddleback Church in California as he visited the Vatican.
“It’s important that we participate in these sacred rituals before asking our congregation to do the same,” Pastor Joel Osteen said, adding his time in confession was immensely moving.
We are seeing the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Early Americans saw the first beast in Revelation 13 as the papacy that they fled for freedom in the New World. That beast is seen as an amalgamation of the four beasts from Daniel 7 that it survived, but then had a “deadly wound” by the sword which was the Protestant Reformation—the sword being God’Sword–Scripture.
But the “deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast.” In this context, the US (second, lamb-like beast) causes the world to make an image—a look alike to the Old World Order. New World Order under the United Nations will be like the papacy because it will have the pope in control as suggested by the imagery of a harlot riding the beast of global government in Revelation 17 that says she commits fornication with kings (governments)–and other clues that can only fit the papacy..
I visited Venezuela and Colombia as a college student, he saw Communist demonstrations and was told that the poverty and illiteracy of these Catholic-dominated countries were fertile soil for what we now see with a Marxist pope. Sitting on tons of gold (Google) from centuries of oppression. Why should the pope want the US to share its wealth when our prosperity came more legitimately.
The pope’s Laudato Si’ appeals to mankind to save earth as God’s “creation,” a word used 66 times in his letter, but the pope is ignoring the Sabbath as the biblical memorial to creation in the 4th Commandment as he puffs up Sunday that has pagan sun worship as its basis, and he claims Sunday as a memorial to Christ’s resurrection, but the Bible gives baptism as the memorial to his death, burial and resurrection, Romans 6.
In spite of all that’s not good for America, the pontiff will probably get a ready reception from a catholic congress—not Roman Catholic, but little “c,” universal—going along to get along. However as this administration pushes us toward global government, we may see civil war, though war is never civil.
The pope’s visit in September could be like Rome’s visit to Jerusalem in 66 AD. It was a signal the early Christians took to flee the city. Many now may wonder if martial law is impending. That would be a reason to flee because of Christ warning of military “standing where it ought not” in Mark 13.
Most Americans are not ready to accept the pope’s UN New World Order. It’s wakeup time. Christians should build on the foundation of Scripture because a storm is coming that will sweep away all else.
EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Perfect Storm, is an 80-page, nicely illustrated condensation of the classic, The Great Controversy that’s been translated into 39 languages, addressing some of these issues. For a copy, readers may send $1.99 by PayPal to (includes postage)