‘We the People’ or the Political Elite
“We the People,” those symbolic words mean that for the first time in world history, a government was set up to not only recognize the God given rights of you and I, but also operate according to that most worthy premise “We the People.” Unfortunately, the progressive political elitists have reversed the role and mission of the federal government. So now, it is a rogue anti unalienable rights regime that only looks out for illegal immigrants, American born thugs, and anyone who is on a mission to destroy our exceptional nation way of life.
The federal government is most certainly rouge and is now a clear and present danger to the very continuation of our republic turned mob ruled democracy. Not only is the federal government, but increasingly, state and local government are working diligently to obstruct the ability of sovereign citizens to live free from tyranny and to be the best that God would have them to be.
Often through government over regulations and draconian taxes people are obstructed from freely opening and running a family business. Abusive government regulations are now so a stringent, they are literally choking the life out of what was at one time the most vibrant economy the world had ever known.
The latest round of proposed Environmental Protection Agency laws would at the very least increase household and small business energy bills 30 to 50 percent. Why? Because President Obama and others hate American greatness and power. They are working overtime to use any method they can to destroy the United States. Or at the very least, have her severely weakened and under the influence of islam by the time Obama leaves office.
The Obama administration is nothing more than a lightning rod of calculated destructive measures. Some of which have practically destroyed a decent quality of life for not only black Americans, but increasingly for more and more Americans of all backgrounds. The sad truth is, that some Americans are now too dumb to even understand just how screwed over they really are.
After five decades of indoctrination rom their liberal masters and a steady decrease in their standard of living, many psyched out black Americans are more enamored with running around carrying black lives matter signs, than building a good quality of life with their families and fellow Americans.
They are foolishly self-centered in their so-called progressive struggle, that they have the nerve to be upset because a presidential candidate and fellow progressive socialist stated that “all lives matter.” To add insult to their stupid injury, the black socialist progressives even consider the “all lives matter” statement to be hate speech or a violent statement. One has to wonder, what society can continue to remain great and economically prominent when millions of it’s brainwashed citizens are so bitter? Then add in their low quality of cognitive functioning and increasing their numbers through breeding, what is occurring is a massive negative drain on our nation making us vulnerable to external enemies and economic collapse.
Unfortunately, far too many Americans have devolved into what the Bible refers to as those who would prefer to believe lies over the truth. That is a direct result of at least five decades of unrelenting indoctrination of generations of American students against all that is good and morally correct.
There was a time if an individual chose to believe that he or she was entitled to someone else’s property and chose to rob them, I the were shot or beaten, that was considered just and no big deal. But now, certain people are so off kilter morally, that brute force against an aggressive burglar is considered more horrendous than aborting innocent babies.
By the way, the black lives matter folks, President Obama and thugs can celebrate because local police forces have been prevented from going hard after thugs who choose to commit crimes against their fellow citizens. So now, crime has dramatically increased in every city where there are substantial black populations.
In Chicago, over the past year murder of blacks by blacks is up 10 percent and rape has increased seven percent. In Las Angeles, violent crime is up 20 percent year after year. In Cleveland, the city is going through a tremendous revival downtown and in many neighborhoods that are not populated by mostly black Americans. But in the city’s notorious east side, (with the exception of University Circle and Little Italy) is a black dominated war zone where they are seemingly bumping each other off for the sport of it.
Such developments or devolutions are the direct result of a wholesale rejection of morality and the Biblical principles that were the foundational building blocks of all that was great about this nation. The continued dangerous practice of repudiating that which is good is literally destroying our republic.
Only through the rejection of that which is evil and learning about and accepting the good, will America have even a chance of once again becoming that shining city on a hill nation.
The choice is completely up to “We the People” not the political elites.