Tag Archive for: STD

How Our Public Schools Came to Promote a Social Disease

Not so long ago, American high-school students were educated in “sex hygiene.” They were told, “Save the conjugal act until marriage or you’ll get horrid diseases; if you’re a girl, you might become pregnant; and, boys, don’t marry an easy girl.” The lessons yielded low rates of STDs, illegitimacy, abortions, fatherless households, and welfare dependency. They saw high rates of virginity (even Hugh Hefner was a virgin in college) and social stability.

But after World War II, a new “science” arose that transformed sex education into an ally for the sexual revolution. Leading the radicals was the closeted sexual psychopath, Professor Alfred C. Kinsey, “the father of the sexual revolution.” Backed by Indiana University and the Rockefeller Foundation, Kinsey’s pseudoscientific claims in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953) would displace the Judeo-Christian worldview in sexual criminal law, public policy, medicine, art, and entertainment, and would lead to the creation of a new “sex education” field.

The Infection

Kinsey’s books went viral and were translated into a dozen languages. According to Lena Lennerhed, a professor of gender studies at Södertörn University near Stockholm, the Swedes even spurned Freud for Kinsey during legislative debates in the 1960s:

Alfred Kinsey . . . was the scientific authority. Kinsey’s rejection of Freud’s sublimation theory was interpreted as an argument for the right among the young, even teenagers, to have an unrestricted sex life . . . and evidence that traditional moral standards were outdated and contrary to human nature. (emphasis added)

This opinion was parroted by professors everywhere. Newly minted college “sexperts” began teaching wide-eyed students that sexual self-expression was healthy and that self-control was repression and psychologically bad for you. By 1955, Kinsey’s sexual worldview had shaped the American Law Institute’s Model Penal Code, which urged all 50 states to view our sex laws as “outdated and contrary to human nature.” Conversely, the institute report spurred lawyerly claims that “sex education” would reduce sex crimes and diseases.

Sexual libertinism became the leading scholarly opinion. In 1964, as New York University began awarding degrees in “sexual health,” “brave pioneers” met at the Kinsey Institute to allot “sex education” to the newly formed Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS). This organization joined with Planned Parenthood in attacking sexual morality on a global scale. Both groups were funded by the Playboy Foundation to train children about sexual “health.”

In 1968, a book by Kinsey’s coauthor and sometime lover Wardell Pomeroy, Boys and Sex, appeared as a school sex-ed text nationwide, normalizing sodomy, prostitution, sadomasochism, and homosexuality. It even described bestiality as “a loving sexual relationship with an animal.” Pomeroy advised children that “premarital intercourse does have its definite values as a training ground.”

The Disease

By the 1970s, public schools in the U.S. were flooded with radical sex “education.” Thomas Sowell and others have noted that teen “pregnancies soared as ‘sex education’ spread pervasively throughout the public schools.” This all helped to erode the barriers to legalized abortion, until Roe v. Wade wiped them out in 1973. That same year, Planned Parenthood’s president, Alan Guttmacher, noted, “The only avenue the International Planned Parenthood Federation and its allies could travel to win the battle for abortion on demand is through sex education.”

At that time, “sex positive” education rarely mentioned condoms, an omission that likely helped lead to an increase in teen pregnancies that ended in abortion—which in turn increased the “need” for more school sex education. By 1974, Planned Parenthood was mass-distributing a booklet called “You’ve Changed the Combination.” It was a full-blown, frontal assault on traditional American sexual morality, including marriage. The authors told our children, “Sex is best between friends. . . . Have sexual relationships only with friends. . . . If she’s young, always ask.” The booklet also normalized homosexuality and ridiculed marriage: “Do you want a virgin to marry? Buy one. There are girls in that business, too. Marriage is the price you’ll pay, and you’ll get the virgin. Very temporarily.”

Today, Planned Parenthood dominates public-school sex education. It battles every attempt at abstinence education, for a resurgence in teen chastity would reduce teen pregnancies and threaten Planned Parenthood’s lucrative abortion business and its pharmaceutical profits.

Read my full column in PDF format by clicking here.


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