United Arab Emirates Secretly Offers Funding for Israel’s Operation Protective Edge to Defeat Hamas

Former Fatah Security chief, Mohammad Dahlan circa 2006
Sheikh Abdullah’s Security Adviser, Mohamed Dahlan, was also present. Dahlan, a Palestinian, is a former Fatah member expelled from the party and Gaza and now lives in the UAE.
Former Palestinian Authority Security chief Dahlan had been cited by the Jerusalem Post at the start of Operation Protective Edge denouncing Hamas for “fostering new terror groups, threatening Egypt’s security, and laying siege to the Gaza Strip.” Jonathan Schanzer of the Washington, DC-based Foundation for Defense for Democracies chronicled the acrimonious split between Dahlan and PA President Abbas in his book, State of Failure: Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, and the Unmaking of the Palestinian State. Read our November 2013 NER review on The Failed State of Palestine for more details about Dahlan’s split with Abbas.
The secret meeting between the UAE and Israel is in sharp contrast to Qatar that has gone on record yesterday in a The Gulf in the Media report supporting the Palestinian people and Hamas in Gaza. Both developments in the Gulf come amidst the current Israeli ground incursion directed at destroying Hamas’ rocket inventory, launching facilities and extensive network of tunnels. That appears to fit the Arab dictum “the enemy of my enemies is my friend”. Despite supporting Hamas, Qatar has a friend in the Obama Administration. This is further evidence of a deep division among the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) regarding the threats from affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood the Islamic State, formerly ISIS. PA President Abbas was in Ankara yesterday visiting Premier Erdogan, a Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas supporter. Today, he was in Doha, Qatar seeking support for a cease fire in the current conflict, but without support from Egypt. Today, 21 Egyptian soldiers were killed in a machine gun and rocket-propelled grenade attack at a Libyan border checkpoint 300 miles West of Cairo, perhaps by Muslim Brotherhood or Salafist terrorists. That may be a why Egyptian President el-Sisi’s government is blocking the Gaza- Egypt frontier while blaming Hamas for the current conflict.
Here is the Freedman Report post:
UAE, Israel have secret meeting, UAE ‘offered to fund Israel’s Gaza offensive’
Posted on July 19, 2014 by the Peninsula – 19 July, 2014
The UAE knew in advance of Israel’s plans for an offensive in Gaza and even offered to fund the operation provided the militant Palestinian outfit Hamas was eliminated in the process. Israel’s Channel 2 claimed in a recent report, according to local Arabic daily Al Sharq. The daily says in a report published today that Israel’s leading national TV station (Channel 2 in Hebrew) disclosed details of secret parleys between the UAE’s foreign minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and his Israeli counterpart, Avigdor Lieberman, in Paris at the end of last month.
Both leaders met on the sly in Paris on the sidelines of a meeting of foreign ministers from the GCC states and Jordan with US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Israel’s foreign minister was also in the city.
The meeting was to discuss the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.
Al Sharq said the UAE was aware of Israeli’s planned military action in Gaza beforehand and Al Nahyan, at his meeting with Lieberman, expressed his country’s keenness to fund Israeli’s Gaza offensive provided the Hamas movement was annihilated since it had close links to the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to Al Sharq, Channel 2 reported that just a few days ago there was a meeting between Sheikh Abdullah and an Israeli minister in Abu Dhabi.
Sheikh Abdullah’s Security Adviser, Mohamed Dahlan, was also present. Dahlan, a Palestinian, is a former Fatah member expelled from the party and Gaza and now lives in the UAE.
Read the original article here.
EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the New English Review.