A Spy Ring: Putin-Xi-Obama-Biden
Russia’s Operation disinformation cost us an enormous waste of human energy, waste of time, and waste of millions dollars during the last five years. The inability of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and DOJ to know and detect the modus operandi of Russia’s Security Services is the result of it. The war waged by Socialist/Communist forces of Russia against Western civilization during several decades was exacerbated by the forces of China’s counter-intelligence application of a biochemical agent to commit a colossal crime against Humanity. The situation in the world has risen national security concerns and required urgency to focus on Russia’s and China’s responsibility in revealing their ideological regimes which have committed this crime against mankind. The first presidential debate emphasized and exposed our obligation and necessity to hold those regimes accountable.
The Socialist-Democrat Party Connection
A week prior to the first presidential debate, I sent an email to Chris Wallace with a warning: “I am a former Soviet attorney and don’t trust you. To grasp a dangerous predicament in America, please, read my must read column: America’s Socialist/Fascist Party = No Peace! September 22, 2020.” He probably did not read it and the debate became chaotic for Chris Wallace, who has been ignoring political history. I am not sure that he and Commission on Debate are politically well informed and know that we are dealing with the political Charlatans, America’s Socialist Party and a Putin-Xi-Obama-Biden Spy Ring in the 21st century.
History is the Mother of all sciences; and when a chunk of history is purposely erased from the mind of an entire generation, the people become confused and disoriented by the world events. That chunk of history is Stalin’s Russia and her Security Services forces’ crime against humanity. Writing about them, I use the term KGB, as knowledge of the KGB is missing in the minds of today’s Americans. Those forces run Russia today. An undetected massive infiltration of those forces into all corners and locations in the midst of America, turned out to be very beneficial for Putin and Xi, but tragic for America.
To grasp the significance of the events in the 21st century one should know that Truman’s Party is dead, it was transformed to a Socialist Party by the collaboration of the party’s leadership with the KGB. America’s Socialist Party doesn’t like the American political system designed and implemented by our Founding Fathers and wish to dismantle it. America’s Socialist Party is combating and undermining the American Constitutional Republic for the last several decades. I am not sure that Chris Wallace knew that Biden was representing America’s Socialist Party covered-up by the name Democratic. Nothing democratic left in the current America’s Socialist Party. It is not a coincident that Biden and China identically mocking Trump—Communists and Socialists are always working together and… Wuhan-Covid-19 infected America to help America’s Socialist Party to get rid of President Trump…
Decorum and Civility in Debates
Debate is a process that involves formal discussion on particular topics. The rules of debate can be changed, but not decorum and civility. They are imperative under democracy. Wallace violated that decorum and civility. When Biden called Trump a liar and clown, in the best tradition of Stalinist character assassination, insulting Trump, Wallace didn’t stop him. Instead he debated Trump, who expressed his ideas. It was two-on-one debate, where Biden told the President to “shut up.” Wallace suffered the Napoleon complex-inferiority complex and he demonstrated his ego. Wallace is a Democrat, successfully maneuvering in the Republican channel. He is the most ill-informed man in terms of Russia at Fox News. Recently he gave an opportunity to two Dem Party Communists to agitate America with their ideas in his show. For me, both individuals were KGB agents. Wallace is unaware of Socialist Charlatans’ destructive activities in America…
Joe Biden a Socialist Charlatan-Traitor
From the first day of Obama’s presidency the war against the American Republic began to transform our country to a Socialist Administrative State. Socialist-Obama did not hide his real agenda, openly calling for this transformation. And he began fighting the unique political system left to us by our Founding Father. The Socialist/Communist’s brain-washing war on America’s mind and soul was started by Socialist-Obama, lying constantly, using Stalinist Political Correctness. The train-engine of the coup against Trump has been moving ahead, combating Western civilization and you, the American people. Surrounded by Obama’s holdovers, some are KGB agents helping Biden to run that coup today—the agenda is one-party-system as in Russia and China and as it used to be in the USSR.
We know Biden as a liar and plagiarist, yet there is more: he is a weak man, who naturally follows a stronger one. Being in the Washington D.C. Swamp for 47 years he didn’t produced any key legislature or vital law–he followed. In the 1980s he followed his mentor, leader of Ku Klux Klan, Sen. Robert Byrd and Biden’s High-Tech-Lynching of a really decent and honorable Judge Clarence Thomas is documented by history. The face and the sound of the offended Judge’s voice is still in my head… As a follower Biden was chosen as VP by Obama. Recent revealed actions by Obama’s Deep State have proven Biden’s total participation in the coup against President Trump. To learn a real story of Ukraine and Biden, please read here: Soviet Style Impeachment In America, November 20, 2019 and Stalin Planned America’s Collapse—It’s Underway October 10. 2019
Tom Fitton is right: “Americans weren’t generally aware of Joe and Hunter Biden’s shenanigans in Ukraine, but Obama’s State Department was, as was Ukraine.” I’d add that Biden’s assignment by Obama was aimed at the destruction and suffocation of the young democracy in Ukraine to help Putin, like Obama helped him by erasing the Red Line he had established in Syria. Obama had several conduits to Putin, but Putin needed “help” in Ukraine, as he had known that his man, President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych would be defeated in the upcoming 2014 Ukrainian election. That was the reason Putin annexed Crimea in February 2014 and that was the reason for Obama to assign Biden as a point man to Ukraine. Obama designed the scenario of Biden’s activities there including his son Hunter.
At the time Biden was in good health and right mind–he accepted the plan aware of its criminality. From that moment on Joe Biden became a traitor, working for president Putin. Don’t be surprised by Hunter’s connection in Moscow. For your information all leaders in Russia are connected to the KGB and definitely the wife of a former Mayor of Moscow, Elena Baturina. Chinese nationals from the Communist government in China are also connected to their counter-intelligence apparatus like in Russia. This is also the identical scenario of Hunter’s connections in Ukraine with the oligarch in Kiev being connected to Putin—the way KGB operates the International Spy Ring.
America is not a Raciest Country
I wasn’t surprised when Biden brought an old Trump accusation of “White Supremacy” in his nomination acceptance speech. “White Supremacy” is a narrative of the KGB playing the race card for several years. This twist of fate indicates at last the same thinking process, of Biden’s campaign and the KGB. But I believe in the direct connection of the two. I have written about that connection thee columns since the 2017. Here is two paragraphs from the third one:
Putin’s Old Soviet Fraud in America!
“For many years Virginia has been run by Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton mafia’s lieutenant and I suspect a KGB agent. Terry McAuliffe and McCabe had organized and orchestrated the White Supremacy rally in Charlottesville Va. in 2017. This couple must be investigated very toughly and thoroughly to expose the deep infiltration in our midst by the KGB… The DNC and KGB are now accusing Trump, using the narrative of White Supremacy, the division they themselves had created. Remember Stalin’s major postulate: Never admit any crime committed, instead accuse opposition in that exact crime.
I believe there are other KGB’s agents continuing to play the race card, we must pay attention to: Georg Soros, Stephanopoulos, Sanders, Tom Lopez and thousands in disguises that harm and damage America with impunity. Pay attention to the Biden campaign and you will discover the old Soviet Propaganda Machine brought by Putin to America. Today we are dealing with Socialist Charlatans and Obama’s holdovers: they will stop at nothing to lie, deceive, and defraud to remove Donald J. Trump–the endless Socialist vengeance has no borders “
The White Supremacy will be the main argument against Trump by the KGB. This is an Andropov’s design in action-a race card. I have sent all three columns with details on the subject to AG William Barr personally—no result. The FBI Director is dysfunctional—he doesn’t know the KGB’s modus operandi and the KGB have free hands destroying America by using their armed forces BLM and Antifa, which are not an “idea”, but the KGB’s in America. We are living in an era when Communists and Socialists are coming out of the underground to take over our country and delegated Joe Biden to complete that takeover for Vladimir Putin and Xi.
I deliberately gave you a picture of Chris Wallace—knowledge of Russia and her Security Services forces is a must—the KGB is on our soil and through the American Socialist Party they have free hands to destroy our America the Beautiful. There are people who continue dealing with China regardless of the Communists’ common agenda and threat to our national security. Arizona Dem candidate for Senate, Mark Kelly has the audacity to both deal with China and run for the U.S. Senate. What an obnoxious and dangerous behavior! This is the face of America’s Socialist Party!!! Even more: the Dems are painting a false picture making a weak Biden a strong leader—as usual they are deceiving and defrauding YOU! The RINOS have followed them—the arguments of Ms. Fiorina are illogical and laughable. The Biden/Harris ticket is the focal point and apogee of fraud.
There are two kinds of traitors: people who collaborate with the KGB and those who don’t know the KGB, becoming accomplices. An unprecedented harm and destruction have been brought to our country by these two groups. Obama has politicized the entire society, dividing even the medical community. You saw it. At the time of the threat of the Chinese coronavirus we have become mute and defenseless, as different groups of “experts” couldn’t produce one professional decision. Moreover, some C.D.C. workers are now political activists: Socialist Charlatans are playing with numbers to confuse you in this critical time.
I’ve written about Communist subversion for thirty-five years so the current news about Obama/Clinton treachery in 2016 didn’t surprise me. My opinion stays the same: Watching the Trump/Dossier in 2017, I knew it was the KGB’s fraud—Falshivka. The anti-Trump cabal is led by the trio: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin. We are dealing with an army of aggressive international Socialist mafia, a Spy Ring to turn the American constitutional republic into the Union of Socialist American States. The Democrats are leading this fight, their main reason is to take over the power and to cover-up the sinister crime of treason that they have committed over several decades. This crime, committed by the leadership of Dems’ Socialist mafia, should be a major topic in the November 2020 election.
To be continued www.simonapipko1.com or at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/
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