FL Counter Terrorism Expert Attacked By Muslim Brotherhood

Sam Kharoba, Founder of the Florida based Counter Terrorism Operations Center (CTOC), is a distinguished law enforcement trainer and an expert on issues related to Islam and Muslim terrorist groups such as al Qaeda, HAMAS, Hezbollah and organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood.

On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Hasan Shibly, Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) will host a press conference in Tampa to keep Mr. Kharoba from instructing Florida law enforcement officers about the threat of radical Islamists and political Islam. CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood front organization according to documents presented by the FBI at the Holy Land Foundation trial.

According to an email announcing the press conference, Mr. Shibly states, “…CAIR FL will release a letter sent to the FDLE requesting that the department no longer use Sam Kharoba of the Counter Terrorism Operations Center (CTOC) as a trainer on issues related to Islam and Muslims. That letter asserts that Kharoba’s training materials on Islam are riddled with inaccuracies, sweeping generalizations and stereotypes, that he is unqualified as a subject matter expert on either Islam or countering violent extremism and that his training has elicited DISTURBINGLY prejudiced responses from trainees.”

Similar accusations were made in early 2011. Efforts by CAIR and other organizations have been directed at preventing counter terrorism training at the national, state and local levels. Major Joseph M. Bail, Jr. (Ret.), with 40 years of service in the City of Chester, Pennsylvania Police Department, did an extensive review of efforts to prevent law enforcement training on the threat of radical Islam.

Major (Ret.) Bail after reviewing a 2011 Washington Monthly article entitled, “How We Train Our Cops to Fear Islam”  written by Meg Stalcup and Joshua Craze, states:

“In it, the authors clearly fail to convince anyone that police should not be receiving training in counter-terrorism, or that police shouldn’t waste time being informed of Islam, Islamic extremists, or the Islamic perpetrators of terroristic acts. So, they do what all good politically and ideologically motivated journalists do: they attack the people they have singled out as those who represent what they see as the problem. They seem to have concluded that if they can malign those professionals and their reputations, they will still have accomplished their goals. In this case the people they targeted were Sam Kharoba, whom I do not know; John Giduck; Lt. Col. Joe Bierly (who I know and respect); and Maj. Richard Hughbank, a recently retired Army Military Police officer, and author of two books on terrorism. In addition to a law degree, Giduck has a master’s degree in Russian studies and a Ph.D. in Middle East studies he earned at Kings College in London. I do not know Richard personally, but am familiar with his work and the fine reputation he has as a knowledgeable professional and who served our nation for 22 years in uniform.” (To read the entire column click here)

“As I have no contact with Mr. Kharoba I cannot address the specific allegations against him. But if the skewed and misleading reporting, and baseless character assassination they engaged in with the others is representative of their entire article, I would have serious doubts about anything they wrote about him,” noted Major (Ret.) Bail.

The first chapter of Mr. Kharoba’s CTOC Training Manual states, “Most of us have heard statements similar to ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ and that ‘Muslim radicals hijacked, twisted and altered Islam to justify their Jihad against non-Muslims.’ This book will provide definitive proof contradicting these statements and allegations.”