Florida Catholic Voter Card Released
The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) has released its 2012 voter card comparing President Obama’s record and that of Governor Mitt Romney. The mission of the Conference is to, “Serve as liaison to state government on matters of concern to the Catholic Church in the seven dioceses of the Province of Miami, as a nonpartisan public policy voice on behalf of the Catholic Bishops of Florida.”
The FCCB Voter Card covers a number of social policy issues including abortion, marriage, the death penalty and embryonic stem cell research. It also gives each candidates position on education choice, freedom of religion, heath care access for the uninsured, immigration and national security.
According to the Catholic Voter Card, “In keeping with its mission, the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops aims to educate and inform Catholics about a wide range of issues. The information listed here has been compiled from policies, public statements, official and campaign websites and other resources to help voters inform their consciences before heading to the voting booth. The issues appear here in alphabetical order for informational purposes only and do not represent a complete list of issues that may be of importance to Catholics. The FCCB neither supports nor opposes any candidate for public office. The underlined text below indicates a hyperlink to the source. Go to www.flaccb.org to view these links.”
To view the Catholic Bishops 2012 Voter Card click here.