Report: Florida gets 36.9% of its revenue from federal government
The Tax Foundation has released a map showing the dependency of each state on federal aid. Florida relies heavily on federal assistance with 36.9% of its revenue derived from the federal government. Florida ranks 23rd of all states taking federal money.
Has Florida become a “welfare state”?
Mississippi takes in more than any other state, with 49% of its total general revenue coming from federal aid. Close behind are Louisiana at 46.5% and Arizona at 45.7%. On the other end of the spectrum, Alaska relies on federal aid for only 24% of its general revenue, followed closely by Delaware at 25.9% and North Dakota at 26%.
No state receives less than 24% of federal aid.
Question: Are the states truly sovereign when they receive so much aid from Washington, D.C.?
Map courtesy of the Tax Foundation.