Climate Depot Debates Global Warming on UN TV At UN Summit!
UN TV debate: ‘The idea that somehow we can do an [climate] insurance policy with anything the United Nations is currently proposing is pure madness.’
‘The whole agenda here is politics. You have Michael Oppenheimer, a UN IPCC scientist, on the payroll of Barbara Streisand of Hollywood. Big Hollywood is funding one of your top UN scientists, but I don’t hear you worrying about his credibility there’ —
‘You get into the immorality of telling Africans and 1.6 billion people of color in the developing world – Asia, Africa, South America — that they can’t develop with coal, natural gas and carbon based energy like we have. You get into basically a racial component where the white wealthy western world is telling the developing world they can’t have the same standard of living.’
The UN bills “Climate Change Studio” interviews as “an opportunity for representatives of NGOs, IGOs, UN system and Parties to be interviewed briefly by a professional journalist on actions, solutions, observations and issues that impact on climate change.”
Selected Highlights from Morano’s 10 minute contentious UN TV interview.
Morano on UN IPCC reports: These reports are political. It was essentially written by a handful of UN scientists and they are fulfilling a narrative on man-made global warming.
Morano on alleged ‘consensus’ of scientists: I authored report of over 1000 dissenting scientists; this included many scientist who reversed themselves from believers to skeptics. People like [Green guru] James Lovelock, who has now gone from alarmist to almost skeptic — to Lennart Bengtsson, former UN IPCC scientist who now says we would not have noticed the global warming. [See: See: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – Challenge UN IPCC & Gore — See: Top Swedish Climate Scientist Says Warming Not Noticeable: ‘The warming we have had last a 100 years is so small that if we didn’t have climatologists to measure it we wouldn’t have noticed it at all’ — ‘Gaia’ scientist James Lovelock reverses himself: I was ‘alarmist’ about climate change & so was Gore! ‘The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago’ ]
Morano: The UN IPCC is first and foremost a political process, not scientific. The IPCC is great political theatre. The settled science which the UN IPCC claims, seems to be changing by the week. We had two contrary studies in one week, with one study saying the global warming ‘pause’ was due to Montreal Protocol and another study saying we recalibrated [past] temperatures and presto, there was no ‘pause’ in temperatures.
The whole agenda here is politics. You have Michael Oppenheimer, a UN IPCC scientist, on the payroll of Barbara Streisand of Hollywood. Big Hollywood is funding one of your top UN scientists, but I don’t hear you worrying about his credibility there. [See: Scientist to the Hollywood Stars: UN IPCC’s Michael Oppenheimer ‘was the holder of the ‘Barbra Streisand Chair of Environmental Studies’ at Environmental Defense Fund’]
UN Host Ed asks Morano: “What would it take you to be convinced [of man-made global warming threat]?”
Morano responded: You would have to see unprecedented climate and weather and we have neither. Multiple studies, in fact hundreds of scientists have shown the medieval warm period was as warm or warmer than current temperatures. [See: ‘More than 700 scientists from 400 institutions in 40 countries have contributed peer-reviewed papers providing evidence that the Medieval Warm Period was real, global, & warmer than the present’]
Morano on attempts by UN to exploit Typhoon Haiyan which hit the Philippines and calls to regulate bad weather:
That is akin to medieval witchcraft to imply the UN can prevent natural weather disasters like typhoons. To turn this typhoon into ‘proof’ of global warming is unscientific and sheer cheap exploitation.
The UN interviewer then asked Morano: “What if you are wrong?”
Morano’s responded: Why not get a [climate] insurance policy? Why would you buy an insurance policy on your home that costs more than your home is worth and would pay out virtually nothing if your home burned down? You wouldn’t, that would be insurance fraud, but that is what they are selling. The UN’s Kyoto protocol, even if fully implemented and ratified — which it never was — wouldn’t even have had a noticeable impact on global temperatures in 50 to 100 years [according to warmists’ own estimates.] In the U.S., with cap-and-trade and carbon taxes — not only would they not impact global temperatures, but they would not even impact global CO2 levels.
The idea that somehow we can do an insurance policy with anything the United Nations is currently proposing is pure madness. It is silliness to think that treaties and acts of Congress or the EU can control the weather in any way that would be noticeable.
The question is: If you are right, we basically have to accept a climate catastrophe because there is no solution according to you guys, other than just restricting economies and emissions.
Morano: ‘A racial component where the white wealthy western world is telling the developing world they can’t have the same standard of living’
Then you get into the immorality of telling Africans and 1.6 billion people of color in the developing world – Asia, Africa, South America — that they can’t develop with coal, natural gas and carbon based energy like we have. You get into basically a racial component where the white wealthy western world is telling the developing world they can’t have the same standard of living. And we have people like California Governor Jerry Brown say that very thing — that the developing world cannot emulate wealthy western prosperity because the Earth cannot handle it.
In other words, they can’t have modern sewage and coal plants, as the Obama Administration prevents coal through World Bank in Africa. But you can get a solar panel on your hut made of dung. We will let you do that. It’s immoral.” [End Morano excerpts] [See: S. African activist slams UN’s ‘Green Climate Fund’: ‘Government to govt aid is a reward for being better than anyone else at causing poverty’ — ‘It enriches the people who cause poverty’ – ‘The UN is saying to poor countries: ‘Those of you who adopt more anti-prosperity, anti- jobs, and anti-growth policies — under the pretense of environmentalism — we will enrich you”]
UN TV interviewer Ed concludes debate with Morano by stating: “I think you made your points very clear.”