Michelle Obama: Hey You Young “Knuckleheads” Sign Up for Obamacare

First Lady Michelle Obama called young people “knuckleheads” on her February 20th appearance on The Tonight Show.

The First Lady was promoting Obamacare for 20-somethings, who Obama described as at risk from cutting themselves cooking or injuring themselves while dancing. The discussion on Obamacare starts at 1:58 in the video.


Check Out: The Patient-Centered Alternative to Obamacare

Host Jimmy Fallon told Obama that a lot of people “don’t have money to spend on [Obamacare.]”

She then pointed out that insurance is available for as little as “$50 a month — less than the cost of gym shoes.”

Obama failed to mention that some individuals have seen their health insurance costs skyrocket since Obamacare went into effect. Some are paying more than $500 a month and seeing price increases in the hundreds of dollars.

Read More: They Liked Their Health Plans, But Can’t Keep Them

After the interview segment, Obama participated in a skit with Fallon and Will Ferrell to promote her “Let’s Move” campaign, which is gearing up this week.

EDITORS NOTE: This story was produced by The Foundry’s news team. Nothing here should be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of The Heritage Foundation. The featured image was taken by My Hobo Soul and is is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. My Hobo Soul in no way endorses the author, The Foundry, Heritage Foundation or positions taken in this column.