New Mozilla browser called “BackFireFox”

This just in: Mozilla has launched a new browser called BackFireFox. But seriously, folks, what’s the firing of some Mozilla CEO with old-fashioned views on marriage compared to the potential advancements in technology the progressive Mozilla team can unleash once it’s been liberated from this guy’s heteronormative oppression?

All Brendan Eich has ever done was invent JavaScript. But we all know that the world-wide proletarian revolution is being organized according to a different script, which does not involve Java.

mozilla add ons peoples cube

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Here is just a small sampling of new Mozilla plugins, extensions, and themes proposed by us on Twitter hashtag #NewMozillaAdOns.

  • Drudge Block
  • Shovel-Ready Jobs Locator
  • E-Z Tantrum Scheduler
  • Hyperventilation Tantrum Protocol
  • The Current Truth status updates
  • Thoughtcrime Analyzer
  • “Denounce your Neighbor” auto-fill function
  • Gulagosphere Migration Tool
  • Guilt Acceleration Plug-in
  • Thought-Corrective Action
  • One-Click Report-a-Christian
  • Browser Reeducation Camp
  • Opinion Block Plus