What Every American Boy needs: The Boy Scout Handbook — 1970 Edition

The attack on our young boys by those who want to fundamentally transform them can and must be reversed. The perfect gift anyone can give a young man is the Boy Scout Handbook – 1970s Edition.

Here is a link to a free PDF of the original 1911 Boy Scout Handbook courtesy of the Gutenberg Library.

Before he becomes a scout a boy must promise: On my honor I will do my best; To do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the scout law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

The 1911 Scout Handbook states, “Another scout virtue is self-respect. He ought to refuse to accept gratuities from anyone, unless absolutely necessary. He ought to work for the money he gets.” In the 1911 the Twelve Points of the Scout Law are:

1. A scout is trustworthy.
2. A scout is loyal.
3. A scout is helpful.
4. A scout is friendly.
5. A scout is courteous.
6. A scout is kind.
7. A scout is obedient.
8. A scout is cheerful.
9. A scout is thrifty.
10. A scout is brave.
11. A scout is clean.
12. A scout is reverent.

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  1. […] The attack on our young boys by those who want to fundamentally transform them can and must be reversed. The perfect gift anyone can give a young man is th  […]

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