U.S. Army wife viciously attacked for posting photo of herself on Twitter

George Orwell wrote, “The more a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” Or Twitter it.

Whenever things don’t go their way Democrats and progressives tend to get up in arms. That is fine, speaking out for or against policies and court decisions one  agrees with or not is an unalienable First Amendment right, right? Well not when a young mother of three and U.S. Army wife decides to speak out about the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision on Twitter.

Can you say Twitpocrisy?

Holly Fisher responds to the attacks and death threats against her for posting on Twitter:

“To show support for the recent  Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case, Holly Fisher – aka ‘Holly Hobby Lobby’ – posted a photo [below] of herself wearing a “pro-life” T-shirt and holding a Chick-fil-A cup in front of one of the arts-and-crafts chain’s locations in West Virginia,” writes Kelsey Harkness The Daily Signals news producer.


“The Army wife and mother of three became an instant Internet sensation, attracting intense attention from both sides of the debate over Obamacare, abortion, and religious freedom,” reports Kelsey Harkness in her article: Tolerant Left? ‘Holly Hobby Lobby’ Vulgarly Attacked on Twitter.


Why was this woman vulgarly attacked on Twitter? Could it be the pink revolver?

Harkness provides Twitter screen captures to make the point. Harkness reports, “Herman Cain, the talk show host and former presidential candidate, was among those re-tweeting the post. Within hours, Fisher’s picture went viral on Twitter, garnering thousands of hateful comments — many, unlike the satire from @DemocratInsider, too vulgar or obscene to repeat here. At first, Fisher decided to stay above the fray. Then, per a suggestion, Fisher decided to take it one step further. Some critics on Twitter began calling her ‘the new face of the American Taliban.’”

“Others referred to her as a ‘Jihad Barbie.’ But being a soldier’s wife, Fisher found offense in this accusation, and responded.

Many came to Fisher’s defense, some taking the time to visually illustrate the difference between her and international Islamist terrorist Sherafiyah Lewthwaite, commonly known as “The White Widow.”

“I have always been extremely conservative and passionate about my views,” Fisher told Inquisitr.com when asked why she originally tweeted the Hobby Lobby photo. “The last few years of the growing hate and intolerance among the ‘tolerant’ left has made me want to stand up and speak out.” She added:

I saw this as a perfect opportunity to show where I stand. I didn’t do it to try to change minds of those who disagree with me, but more so to show like-minded people that they’re not alone and it’s OK to stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s not popular right now. I want younger Americans to know it’s OK to not follow the current liberal path.

To view the screen captures and comments on Twitter please go here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Conservative mother of 3 getting death threats after her Hobby Lobby, July 4th photos went viral