How the Establishment Suppresses Independent Candidates

I just received a phone call from a telephone number that my caller ID registered as only Sarasota and (914) 312-7514. Upon answering, the caller said they were conducting a quick one question poll. I said okay.

She said the poll question was: If the election for Governor was held today who would you most likely vote for?

A.  a Republican Candidate
B.  a Democrat Candidate
C.  Undecided

I responded by asking her why wasn’t there a choice for an Independent candidate?

She hummed and hawed and wanted to quickly get off the phone. I told her I can’t answer her poll because I would vote for a candidate other than a Republican or Democrat. In fact I am planning to vote for Adrian Wyllie, a Libertarian candidate. She said thanks and hung up.

Moral of the story:

Political polls are designed not to get to a true accounting and read out of the people’s opinions. Polls are designed to perpetuate the lies. Don’t pay attention to the results of political polling. They are pure fiction and designed to deceive and support the establishment.

It is time for the people of Florida to make 2014 the next 1860. What happened in 1860? Abe Lincoln won on a new party line, a third party. The Republican Party had been established in 1856 to challenge the Whig and Democratic parties. A Third Party won in 1860 and a Third Party can win in 2014 (if the people stop voting for the corrupt establishment that they claim to reject).

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  1. […] I just received a phone call from a telephone number that my caller id registered as only Sarasota and (914) 312-7514. Upon answering, the caller said they  […]

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