Open Memo to the 114th U.S. Congress
On January 3, 2015, the 114th Congress of the United States will convene for the new sessions which will run through January 3, 2017. The 2014 mid-term election was a seismic political shift in Washington D.C. power and the American people didn’t make broad changes in power for no reason.
Sometimes, gridlock is the best people can do when in no position to lead. However, American voters made certain that the Republican Party would emerge from the 2014 mid-terms in full control of both chambers of Congress, stripping all congressional support for the Obama Administration leaving the lamest administration in U.S. history in a lame-duck status.
Voters took no prisoners…. And Republicans cannot afford to take any prisoners either for the next two years. They were elected to reverse course in our nation, not to make peace with those across the aisle who have been running roughshod over them and the American people for the past six years.
Republicans were not elected to slow down the demise of a once great country. They were elected to stop the demise and destruction, reverse course 180 degrees and save America from the brink of extinction. They were elected to represent every American who is fed up with the runaway Federal Government. They were elected to turn the tide…
What do “the people” think?
The Associated Press ran broad-based exit-polling in the mid-terms in an effort to properly interpret voter sentiments behind the election results. Here’s what the people had to say…
- 88% of Republicans believe that the country is headed in the WRONG direction under Democrat leadership. 46% of Democrat voters finally agreed. The country wants an overall change in direction, away from Global Marxism and towards secure national sovereignty.
- 90% of Republicans believe that the nation’s economy is in BAD shape and that Federal economic policy is responsible. Over half of Democrat voters finally agreed. The country wants an end to the economic policies of bankruptcy.
- Over 80% of Republicans believe that economic conditions will worsen on the past Democrat “social justice” welfare for all track. Over 1/3 of Democrats finally agreed.
- 64% of Republicans believe that the next generations will have it worse and over 30% of Democrats finally agreed.
- 80% of Republicans and 60% of Democrats are worried about the growing threat of terrorism on our soil under the Obama Administration.
What do “the people” want?
- 81% of Republicans want an end to deficit spending. 52% of Democrats agreed.
- 77% of Republicans want a change in foreign policy. 53% of Democrats agreed.
- 73% of Republicans want NO AMNESTY of any kind and our immigration laws enforced. 52% of Democrats agreed.
- 87% of Republicans and 67% Democrats want the U.S. to get tough on terrorism.
- 88% of Republicans and 78% of Democrats want the Federal government to get out of the way of our free economy.
- And almost every American wants members of congress to become accountable and hold others accountable for the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. – (Source)
What do “the people” NOT want?
- 69% of Democrats think governmental environmental intervention is important. 31% of Democrats and 64% of Republicans disagree.
- 70% of Democrats want governmental forced redistribution of private wealth. But 30% of Democrats and 58% of Republicans stand opposed.
- 80% of Democrats want healthcare reform of some sort and 75% of Republicans agree, though they disagree on the federal government’s role in healthcare.
- 47% of Democrats want abortion on demand and 33% of Democrats want gay marriage rights, a minority in both cases. Republicans stand opposed to both.
So, why did “the people” elect Republicans in 2014?
As if the election results themselves are not clear enough, news agencies worked to dig a little deeper in voter sentiments via exit polling that should leave no doubts in any reasonable mind.
All available information confirms the purpose of the shift in congressional power structure for the 114th Congress. A national about-face! After decades of abuses of power at the federal level, there are literally thousands of things that need to be done or undone in order to restore our republic and rule of constitutional law.
Despite a total rebuke of his policies, Obama remains committed to further destruction of our country, even if he has to go it alone via executive powers that do not even exist.
“The People’s” Priorities
Already, before amnesty… we have illegal aliens voting in our elections, taking our jobs, abusing access to our schools, our hospitals, and our social services. Recent reports state that 42% of all new Medicaid enrollees are “illegal immigrants.” – Health and Human Services Chief Sylvia Burwell called for extending Obamacare benefits to DREAM-eligible illegal immigrants. My previous column, IMMIGRATION: THE LAW AND ASSIMILATION AT ISSUE lays out the history behind the current immigration disaster.
The new Republican majority must use its power to STOP OBAMA from illegal abuse of so-called executive power in the DNC effort to forever alter American social demographics by granting full citizenship rights to illegal invaders. Anything less is an act of complicity in treason.
The new Republican majority must walk away from any form of amnesty by any means and become the party of Constitutional Law. They must end all efforts for amnesty and begin to enforce all existing immigration laws, period.
Then, they must use the power of Impeachment to hold Obama and his Marxist Democrat comrades fully accountable for the laundry list of treasonous acts that has entirely defined their administration.
The past six years of the Obama administration have been built upon usurpation of office, abuse of power, fraud and multiple acts of treason. There is NO WAY for the American people or the Republican Party to turn this country around without removing a long list of bad actors from power and holding them fully criminally accountable for their treasonous acts against the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, our men and women in uniform, our states and every legal American citizen.
North American Law Center has issued a very carefully crafted and vetted set of Articles of Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama and his evil cabal. The Articles correctly base impeachment upon the following;
ARTICLE 1 – Usurpation of the Oval Office via criminal identity fraud
ARTICLE 2 – Malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office
ARTICLE 3 – Aiding and Abetting known enemies of the United States
House Republicans know that the Obama administration must be impeached. They used the excuse that they did not control the Senate, in refusing to impeach before the 2014 elections. Now that Republicans will control both chambers of congress, they must use this rare opportunity in power to right the greatest wrongs of this century by impeaching the worst administration in U.S. history.
If they don’t, this will be the final nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. The evidence against Obama is well beyond any reasonable doubts. The evidence that Republicans lack the decency, honor and courage to lead this nation will be complete, if they fail to hold Obama & Co. fully accountable for their acts against the United States of America.
This is NOT about policy differences…. This is about a criminal organization using the White House and the Senate to run roughshod over the American people and their states, to the demise and destruction of our Constitutional Republic. It must not be allowed to stand… people must be held accountable.
Before addressing a thousand little things that need to be corrected, the new Republican majority must accomplish these two critical steps in restoring the rule of constitutional law. There is no doubt that stopping amnesty and impeaching Obama is a tall order or that it will require extraordinary courage to do either, much less both. But both must be done, no matter the difficulty.
Old go along to get along Republicans like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell do not have the courage and decency required to lead this charge. They cannot be allowed to lead the new congress.
Extreme circumstances require extreme measures… and new leadership is required in order to carry out what must be done to save our Republic from an enemy operating within.
If the new Republican majority fails either test of honor, if they allow any form of amnesty and fail to enforce existing laws, if they fail to impeach the entire Obama regime for acts of treason against our nation, this will have signed their own death warrant as a viable political entity.
The people elected Republicans to congressional power to reverse everything that democrats have done to this country over the past six years, to restore the rule of constitutional law and to march this Republic back from the brink of extinction.
Republicans have just this one chance to be all that the American people need them to be. If they fail, the American people will seek other remedies outside of the political arena, to restore the rule of law and our Constitutional Republic.
I pray that the new Republican majority is wise enough to understand the very dangerous position they are in today. I pray that they will be wise enough to summon the courage it will take to turn this great country around, while they have an opportunity to do so peacefully.
They must deal with millions of illegal invaders and they must deal with those in the federal government who have worked to destroy our country from within. If they fail, they will soon wish that they had lost every election in 2014… for they will be held accountable by the people who elected them.
To Republicans I say… Save our Constitution and our Republic, or be gone! There is no room for any negotiations now.