Kingsman: The most anti-Elitist/anti-Environmentalist film ever

I went to see the film Kingsman: The Secret Service and was astounded at how anti-elitist and anti-environmentalist it was. The film is riddled with statements and images showing how the elite want to survive at the expense of the common man and woman. The film also showed the villain Valentine, a black man, meeting with the President of the United States (Obama) and convincing him that the only way to save the planet from global warming is to “cull” the population. Valentine’s final solution to global warming.

From the official trailer (below at the 2:00 minute mark) you hear the character Valentine, the modern day Eugenicist villain played by Samuel L. Jackson, state:

Mankind is the virus, and I’m the cure.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, would be proud, as she wanted to purify the “racial stock” and “to create a race of thoroughbreds” in America, which means Samuel L. Jackson should have been aborted. Sanger would have loved the scene near the end of the movie where the mother of the main character Gary “Eggsy” Unwin is trying to kill her baby with a meat cleaver.

That one statement by Valentine sums up the strategy and goal of environmentalists globally. The “cures” for population reduction include but are not limited to: abortion (birth control), smart growth initiatives (controlling property in the U.S.), UN Agenda 21 (controlling property globally), control of the food supply (Ethanol, using food for fuel) and of course carbon taxes (EPA’s war on coal, oil and natural gas).

A World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity, signed by 1600 senior scientists from 70 countries, including 102 Nobel Prize laureates states:

Pressures resulting from unrestrained population growth put demands on the natural world that can overwhelm any efforts to achieve a sustainable future. If we are to halt the destruction of our environment, we must accept limits to that growth.

Lester Milbrath, professor emeritus and author, Learning to Think Environmentally (While there is Still Time), wrote:

We must stabilize population. This will be possible only if all nations recognize that it requires improved social and economic conditions, and the adoption of effective, voluntary family planning.

Valentine sounds very much like these eminent scientists. Of course in the film, Valentine uses science and scientists to fulfill his Eugenicist dream of culling the world’s population using modern technology (cell phones). Valentine’s final solution is immediate and violent, where as the current path of today’s elite Eugenicists is more long term in its nature, using ever expanding governmental policies (e.g. EPA war on coal).

One of the most interesting scenes shows President Obama’s, and his entire cabinet, head exploding, along with those of elitists around the globe. So much for those elite politicians and their wealthy supporters. It is all about surviving at the expense of the 99%.

Hollywood depicts graphic violence and mayhem in this film. Their target is Evangelical Christians. The evil character Valentine uses his powers to control people’s emotions remotely to bring havoc to a church where the message of sin and repentance is being spoken from the pulpit. Just prior to the mayhem Harry Hart, a Kingsman says:

I’m a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. Hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon madam.

That sums up the attitude of progressives, atheists, homosexuals and Democrats in America and the Labor Party in the United Kingdom.

Jim Galizia from lists the church scene is one of six reasons to see the film. Galizia describes the church scene as follows:

Another reason to see this movie is the soon to be infamous “Church Scene”. Allow me to paint a picture. A church is filled with the most offensively over the top radical Christians during a service. I’m talking racist, sexist, homophobic monsters of people having a service where the priest is shouting how Jesus will smite those who are deemed unworthy.

That’s how Hollywood sees Christians in general and Evangelicals in particular. As offensive people, who believe in Jesus Christ, are depicted in the movie as deserving to be graphically slaughtered – much like what the Islamic State is doing in the Middle East and posting the slaughter on Facebook. The problem is when the Islamic State comes to America people like Galizia will be among the first, after Jews and Christians, on their list for slaughter.

I do not suggest this film to anyone under 18-years old.