Presidential Candidate Rubio: ‘The Right to Life is Fundamental!’

Hope all is well with everybody as I am still recuperating from Divine Mercy Sunday – two beautiful celebrations on the same sacred Sunday. The first one at St. Clare. The second at St. Ignatius. Thank you, Father O’Shay, Father Downey & Ivonne Sherman. Thank you, Father Tom, Deacons John Beaudoin & Robert Pope & Jim Fabyan. Great job with these two celebrations, respectively, as you helped educate and inspire all those who attended that this Feast Day will one day become a major Feast Day in the life of the Catholic Faithful. GOD bless you all…Jesus, I trust in You…

And, I am also recuperating from a heartfelt, terrific meeting/dinner we held at my Log Home last night. Not much sleep when you go to bed with so many inspirational thoughts, ideas and visions in my mind. In two hours, this group of devout Pro-Life activists covered a ton of ground. From a recap on this past “40 Days for Life” to our next pro-Life demonstration at the abortionist, Daniel Sack’s place to Common Core to speaking on speaker phone with Jerry Horn (Priests for Life’s Father Frank Pavone’s right hand man), to the up-coming Presidential elections. We covered it all – talked the talk – and, now we must walk the walk…and take our visions, activism, enthusiasm and commitment to those who run our churches – our beloved clergy – our Bishops, Pastors, Priests and Deacons…

That is what I took out of this meeting the most – mostly because no Pro-Life Catholic in this country wants to see an “instant re-play” of 8 more years of all the intrinsic evils that we fight 24/7 play out again. Like I have said time and again “If it wasn’t for Obama, I would not have a job”…Known as the most Pro-Abortion President in our country’s 238 year history – every single thing he has accomplished in his 6 plus years in “our” White House is precisely exactly what I fight every day of the year – thus, giving me a full-time job – both running a non-profit ministry (Christian on a Mission) – that fights these intrinsic evils – and serving as a Pro-Life consultant for the ever-Pro-Life organization, SWS…That’s Southern Waste Systems, but I refer to it as “Securing Willy’s Salvation”…I owe them my life…

And, “Salvation of Souls” (SOS), is one of the main topics that we discussed in our phenomenal meeting last night. And, if I can recall from my Catholic up-bringing in reading the old Baltimore Catechism and the Holy Bible – Salvation of Souls is what our Catholic Faith is all about. If there is only one thing we should take from our Faith, it is this most critical topic – Salvation of Souls. That is the basis for the Feast Day of Divine Mercy and why I emphasize the importance of this ever-critical day of mercy that Jesus instituted on the Sunday after Easter. And, Salvation of Souls, my friends, is what every single Catholic priest in this world who took their vows to become a religious for life, should be focused on every day of the year. That is what they should be teaching, preaching and evangelizing about 24/7. We need to hear more about heaven and hell in our churches. Friends: When it is all said and done – Salvation of Souls and Eternal Life – is the only thing that matters…

And, right now is the best time ever for our church leaders – from the USCCB to our local pastors and priests – to make good on their promise and commitment of teaching and preaching about Salvation of Souls and Eternal Life. We don’t need to continue hearing the Parable of the Mustard Seed, the Prodigal Son or even “what’s Caesar’s is Caesar’s, what’s God’s is God’s”. We all know how those stories go. What we do need to hear is about the intrinsic evils that are attacking and persecuting our Holy Catholic Church every minute of the day and trying to destroy the church that Jesus built upon the Rock of Peter over 2,000 years ago…

Just like the bold and very Pro-Life activist/evangelist from EWTN, Doug Barry, did on Good Friday at St. Martin de Porres, we need to hear that 45 minute “Battle Ready” sermon that he passionately laid out to the congregation before doing his incredible Passion Meditation. Beyond description, folks. We need to hear about the atrocities of abortion, the curse of Common Core, the appalling Gay Marriage, the unethical H.H.S. Mandate, the unconstitutional Obamacare and every single liberal issue that attacks our beloved Catholic Church and persecutes Christians all over the world…

And, if we do NOT hear these issues from every Catholic Church in America today – directly from our Bishops, pastors, priests and deacons – and why Catholics have to be Pro-Life and vote against any candidate who endorses the marriage of two men together or the taking of an innocent life – we are going against the basic teachings of the Catholic Church and the 5th Commandment – THOU SHALL NOT KILL…That’s a Commandment – not a suggestion or a topic for discussion. Killing an innocent baby is MURDER – a Mortal Sin and every Catholic in this country needs to know that, needs to abide by that – and needs to VOTE that way!! No more of this “voting with my conscience crap”…NO, it’s voting like Jesus. It’s voting like his followers…It’s voting like a Christian. Can I make it any more clearer???

Friends: Do you realize how sad it is when a Pro-Abortion/Pro-Gay Marriage President like Obama gets elected for two terms as the 44th president of a country that was founded on Christian principles? What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our American citizens? Do you know how sad it is that Catholics in this country actually helped him get elected – 53% of these gutless so-called followers of Christ. And, an astounding 74% of the Catholic Hispanics in this country voted for him twice, not knowing what they were getting into – other than they thought the Messiah was going to bring them to the Promised Land and grant them amnesty. 74%, folks. That’s unheard of! Incomprehensible. And, do you know why?

Because the Catholic Church did NOT do what Jesus instructed Her to do 2,000 years ago – Be Bold for Your Faith, under all circumstances – and teach others the same way. “Be not afraid”, cried out Saint John Paul II. Like the abortion issue and Roe v. Wade Decision in 1973, the Catholic Church decided to remain silent and 56 million dead babies later – the USCCB is still scratching their heads wondering what happened. New York’s Cardinal Dolan hands the baton to Louisville Archbishop Kurtz, who in turn, looks at Cardinal Dinardo for some assistance, while a million babies are being slaughtered every year in our country…and, not a damn thing is being done…And, now, an exasperated Cardinal Raymond Burke watches it all from an estranged island called Malta…

Sure, Jesus was a non-violent revolutionist and He turned the other cheek more than anybody I know – even while being crucified. He spoke in parables. He spoke softly. He spoke the Truth. He even multiplied the fish and loaves. But, when He saw any type of intrinsic evil attack His beloved Church – Jesus was the first one to take care of business. When Jesus saw those tax collectors, money changers and sinners turn the Temple into a house of horrors – a house of ill repute – He did not take a back seat. He did not remain silent…He did not hand the baton to Peter and ask him for assistance…

Jesus actually did what the Holy Spirit & GOD commanded Him to do – stand up for the Faith at all costs – and yes, Jesus lost it…and nobody did a thing to stop Him, only because they knew that this non-violent revolutionist was 100% correct. They all watched in amazement. By over-turning those tables, knocking all of that “blood” money to the floor, tearing down all the displays that these liberal degenerates had set up in the Temple, and knocking over all of those bird cages, allowing the birds to fly free – that is what separated Jesus from the rest. He had guts. He stood for His principles and He was bold for His Faith…He was an activist. He was a rebel – a radical. He was a Christian on a Mission…

What I would give to have Jesus come back on this earth for one day to see what that “other” party is doing and the intrinsic evils they stand for and live by…He would be over-turning those tables all over the place and chasing those liberal, Pro-abortion sinners out with a vengeance…

Our church leaders, Bishops, pastors, priests and deacons know that Temple story all too well. They preach about it quite often from the pulpits. It is part of Bible history. It’s in the Gospels. It’s in our Sunday readings. It is part of the Catholic Church teachings. If our beloved clergy can talk about Jesus being the “First Church Militant” by doing what he did at the Temple in protecting the Faith – why can’t these same church leaders and clergy talk about how important it is for us to imitate Jesus – to walk in His footsteps – when we see injustice, evil, sinning and anything that is attacking and persecuting our religion. If it was OK for Jesus to “lose it” for His Faith in making things right – why can’t we do the same as Jesus followers today – by “losing it” and over-turning the tables of these abortionists, liberal politicians and school leaders who are attacking our beloved Faith, our beloved school children and our beloved unborn? Are we not followers of Christ – or do we have to wait to hear the cock crow three times before we answer that question?

Friends: Please take a look at this powerful article on native son, Marco Rubio, and how he passionately stands for Pro-Life & Pro-Traditional Family at all costs. He proclaimed his view on Pro-Life magnificently back in 2012 (which there is a link you can click on to to read), as that is one of his key issues in his platform. Back in 2008, I sent out an e-mail claiming that “Marco Rubio would be our first Cuban President of the United States” and that statement may just hold true come the end of 2016. Rubio has some terrific qualities and he can boldly speak with the best of them. His views on Pro-Life, Gay Marriage, Common Core, Obamacare, etc., are in line with mine as well as with many of our readers. We need Presidential candidates like Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum – who all feel the same way we do with these critical issues I mentioned above. We need to support them now more than ever…And, we need to be as vocal as we can for this up-coming Presidential election…

We, as lay people, need to step up our activism today and share these e-mails and views with others – especially those who are still sitting on the fence and don’t know how to get down. That barbed wire can wreak havoc on their backside, but voting for abortion will wreak havoc on our society’s most vulnerable. We need to teach them well. We need to become more aggressive and vocal in our evangelizing; we need to become bolder in our Faith – and we need to sit down with our respective Bishops, pastors and priests as soon as we can and share these topics with them. Our clergy need to hear that their parishioners want them to talk about these issues in church every Sunday, and they need to know that we will support them 100%. Just follow what the Great Saint John Paul II said time and again: “BE NOT AFRAID”…And, if it means that we need to clean house every Sunday – so be it. It’s time for a good old-fashioned house cleaning in our churches as the more Judas warm ones that get up and leave during a bold Molgano Homily – the better off we will be and the more room we will have to stretch our legs in our pews, before kneeling before our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ…

Like I have said for countless years and what we clearly stated in our terrific meeting at my log home last night – “It’s time the Catholic clergy take a bold stance for the Faith this Presidential election in 2016 and speak it boldly from every pulpit in every church in America”…That should be the 11th Commandment this season. In GOD They Must…

Friends: Mark my words – “I will see to it that every single one of our 53 pastors in the Diocese of Palm Beach gets this memo in ample time. This is just a “test run”. I can assure you that there will be a lot more to come. It’s time we take back our country and boldly put our Catholic Faith out in the open for all to see every day of the year and I am certain that our beloved clergy will be up to the task”. Are you with me, beloved priests??? I am with you. It’s all about our religious freedom. It’s all about what our beloved Founding Fathers spoke about when they relied on the Holy Bible as their foundation while claiming America to be dependent on our Creator. And, it’s all about the “Salvation of Souls”, which should be the greatest focus that all priests should have every day of the year. You priests have your work cut out, but, remember – We are all in this “Two-Gether” – us and Jesus. We got your back. Jesus has got the rest…Jesus, We Trust in You…

Marco Rubio Announces GOP Campaign for President, “I’m Proudly Pro-Life”

“The Right to Life is a fundamental one that trumps virtually any other right that I can imagine — Because without it, none of the other rights matter. There can be no Liberty without Life. There can be no Constitution without Life. There can be no nation without Life. And there can’t be other lives without Life,” he said in a 2012 speech. – Senator Marco Rubio, 2012

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is the latest to indicate he’s seeking the Republican nomination for president and the pro-life lawmaker is jumping in the race just one day after pro-abortion Hillary Clinton made it official. Rubio is solidly Pro-life and has championed the Pro-life cause in speeches and with his votes during his tenure in office.

Click to Read at


A Typo Tells The Truth

There was a very telling typo in the press release announcing Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the White House. Some poor campaign writer left the word “for” out of a sentence that ended up reading “She’s fought children and families all her career.”

While that’s certainly not what the Clinton camp meant, it’s not far off the mark either…Hillary Clinton has attacked our beloved unborn by way of abortion her entire political career and our beloved school children by way of Common Core these past few years…

Hillary Clinton has championed abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. In 2008, her campaign released a statement saying she “strongly opposed” legislation banning partial-birth abortions and supported taxpayer funding of abortions. She has embraced a radical redefinition of marriage and the family, and supports higher taxes that make it more difficult for young couples to start a family.

Folks, I can go…We do not want a repeat of these 8 years with the other Pro-abortion socialist in the White House. If we think that Obama has been the “most Pro-abortion President in our 238 year existence” – just wait to see what happens if the “so-called, gutless Catholics” in this country vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. It will be the end of the United States as we once knew her…