Online Survey: Tell Us Your Favorite Fakestream Media story for 2016

On December 8th Hillary Clinton warned of an ‘epidemic of malicious fake news’ is a ‘danger’ that must be ‘addressed quickly’.

So what is fake news and who is promoting it? Has the mainstream media become the fakestream media?

There is much discussion about the concept of fake news. We wanted to give our readers an opportunity to list their top fake news story for 2016. Please take a moment to fill out the form below with your “Fake News Pick for 2016.”

Here are my top ten fake news story lines of the past eight years which are a “danger” and must be addressed:

  1. Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the 45th President of the United States.
  2. The the 2016 general elections in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are flawed and require a recount.
  3. The Russians hacked into the voting systems of the 50 states.
  4. If Donald J. Trump is sworn into office there will be a coup akin to the film Seven Days in May.
  5. Islam is the “religion of peace.”
  6. The Arab spring is a “democratic movement” that will sweep the Middle East.
  7. The 9/11/2012 attack on the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya was the result of a YouTube video.
  8. Using the term “radical Islam” helps al-Qaeda and ISIS recruitment.
  9. The Affordable Care Act is affordable.
  10. President Obama’s economic stimulus package will create shovel ready jobs and full employment.

Please send us your favorite fake news story from the Fakestream Media. We will publish you top ten list in a future column.

1 reply
  1. Beth Colvin
    Beth Colvin says:


    The Japanese focus on maintaining their own culture. Therefore: No political leader or a prime minister from an Islamic nation has
    visited Japan — not the Ayatollah of Iran, the King of Saudi Arabia or even a Saudi Prince!

    Japan is a country keeping Islam at bay by putting strict restrictions on Islam and ALL Muslims.

    1) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.
    2) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims.
    3) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan.
    4) In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.
    5) One cannot import a ‘Koran’ published in the Arabic language.
    6) According to data published by the Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 lakhs, Muslims, who must
    follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese, and carry their religious rituals in their homes.
    7) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies in Islamic countries.
    8) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.
    9) Even today, visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign companies.
    10) In the majority of companies it is stated in their regulations that no Muslims should apply for a job.
    11) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist, and even in the era of globalization they are not
    willing to change their Muslim laws.
    12) Muslims cannot even rent a house in Japan.
    13) If anyone comes to know that his neighbor is a Muslim then the whole neighborhood stays alert.
    14) No one can start an Islamic cell or Arabic ‘Madrasa’ in Japan.
    15) There is no Sharia law in Japan.
    16) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim, she is considered an outcast forever.
    17) According to Mr. Kumiko Yagi, Professor of Arab/Islamic Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, “There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very narrow- minded religion and one should stay away from it.”

    The Japanese might have lost the war, but they are in charge of their own country. There are no bombs going off in crowded business centers, “Honor Killings,”,nor* *killing of innocent children or anyone else.

    Something to think about.

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    Beth Colvin


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