Facebook accused of auto-generating jihadist propaganda, creating page for al-Qaeda with 4,400 likes
Facebook has put enormous efforts into launching witch-hunts against those who fight for democratic freedoms–like Milo, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, going so far as to reference them as “dangerous individuals”, right alongside the truly dangerous, violent-minded, anti-Semitic, racist nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan who has actually called openly for 10,000 men to murder white policemen, using a Baptist Church platform.
Facebook also banned Tommy Robinson, threatened and suspended the Voice of Europe for criticizing mass migration, and shut down a Danish news outlet for the same reason. The list goes on.
The obvious unmatched, biggest threat today is jihad terror, yet Facebook does not see fit to put resources into tackling that threat. Facebook has recently allowed a platform to a genocidal anti-Christian Muslim cleric and in fact, consulted with Hamas-linked CAIR over who gets banned from its platforms. Now Facebook stands accused of “automatically generating celebratory jihadist videos and promoting terrorist business pages.” Cracking down on jihad terror and murder is just not important enough to Facebook higher ups. They would rather torment and damage those who battle against this grave evil. Facebook is in effect continuing to aid and abet jihad terrorists.
A business page generated by Facebook for al-Qaeda received over 4400 “likes” and provided the group with “valuable data” to use when recruiting new followers
“Facebook accused of auto-generating terrorist propaganda, creating page for al-Qaeda”, by Fatima Olumee, 9 News, May 10, 2019:
Social network Facebook has been accused of automatically generating celebratory jihadist videos and promoting terrorist business pages.
The videos were uncovered by an anonymous whistleblower who filed a complaint with a US regulator, accusing Facebook of misleading investors on its efforts to clean up the platform.
A five-month study of more than 3000 accounts found Facebook’s artificial intelligence algorithms were creating ‘memories’ and video celebrations for active users, including accounts of extremist organisations such as al-Qaeda, white supremacist groups, and self-identified Nazis.
A business page generated by Facebook for al-Qaeda received over 4400 “likes” and provided the group with “valuable data” to use when recruiting new followers, according to the complaint.
Islamic State and al-Qaeda terrorists are also openly networking on Facebook’s website, according to the whistleblower’s research.
The confidential complaint, supported by the US National Whistleblower Centre (NWC)……
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission.
This is news? IF the “oh, so concerned” liberal media actually printed the truth instead of only when it suits their fancy, many people wouldn’t find this so suprising. Just how much does CAIR pay off the liberal media should be the next question.
Face Book is aligned with the leftist fake news print and tv media to sell Islamic propaganda to the gullible left especially millennials who have not been taught the difference between religions like Christianity and Judaism and theocratic cults like Islam which is all about a world-wide Jihad conquest. Islam is a Satanic Cult posing as a religion for world conquest purposes. Islam = Conquest by Migration, High Birthrate, Rape, Terrorism, Non-Assimilation, & Sharia. Islam is not a religion but a geo-political, economic, militaristic, theocracy where Infidels must convert, become slaves or die. Sharia enslaves women including Muslim women. We Infidels (non-believers in Islam) must wake up to these facts.
Taqiyya (taqiya, taqiyah, taqiyyah) is a form of Islamic deception. The Quran (16:106 and 3:28) allows Muslims to lie in order to protect themselves or to protect the Muslim community.Jun 10, 2015
What Is Taqiyya? – YouTube
Why Islam is evil by Pat Condell:
CAIR is a US oriented front group for the Muslim Brotherhood which is the oldest of all the Islamic terrorist groups having formed in 1928. Their creed is: “Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations”