Agony: Face-to-Face with Soviet Fascism — Part 2

Knowing that Soviet Fascism never sleeps, I’ve written these words after Russia had annexed Crimea six years ago: “Those who haven’t read my books are wondering why I am spending so much time in my columns, presenting Stalin, who died 60 years ago. I have to repeat: I am a child of Stalinism, I know the system he created, know his Doctrine, which is alive and spreading throughout the world in the 21st century. The past always haunts the present. That is the reason I am writing about Stalin and his Doctrine, the essence of which is the creation of a One World Government under the Kremlin auspices. I called his Doctrine–Soviet Fascism. We former citizens of the Socialist countries are deeply disturbed, watching the implementation of Soviet Fascism across the world, including America. Only truth and facts equal reality.” This is a beginning of my column, written in August 2014, Soviet Socialism in the 21st Century: Stalin and His Henchmen Around the Globe.

Don’t you think that those exact words directly apply to the Globe in April 2020? I do. We are at war. The pandemic Agony is now in economic activities of America, and the minds of Americans threatened for them and their children’s future. We live in an unprecedented time—in the era of Soviet Fascism and we are vulnerable—we don’t know the enemy. To overcome current pandemic, knowledge of Russia, her Security Services, and the ideology of Soviet Fascism is a Must! Without this knowledge we will have another virus—Tsar-virus to kill as many people as possible to end Western civilization and the political system of the Constitutional American Republic left to us by our Founding Fathers…

Yes, we are at war in an asymmetrical, ideological war waged by Soviet Fascism against Western civilization, American capitalism and the free market. The last attempt was “Climate change” intended to bankrupt us and destroy the free market economy. Smart people have exposed the fraud. Coronavirus is the next attempt; a terror act killing innocent people. Western civilization can’t tolerate that. Besides, the crisis has fundamentally altered our lives and nation’s daily routine over the last weeks. We have to suffer another thirty days. Disrupted life elevates stress–while millions of Americans are forced to stay home as we attempt to flatten the curve of this virus and save precious lives. This is unprecedented for the land of the free and the home of the brave, but it is a reality today.

Not surprisingly, America has the highest numbers of Covid-19’ victims–we are the main target and we have the largest population. Therefore, today we are all in this together and only knowledge of our mortal enemy can save us. Don’t rely on Washington experts. They still are not aware of the Evil-ideology of Soviet Fascism that produced Covid-19 and some previous biological attacks. They don’t know Stalinism, the Soviet System and the Soviet or Stalinist Charlatans. They had missed a moment in history to learn the resurrection of Soviet Fascism and react accordingly. For me it is a necessity to call a spade a spade, to emphasize the nefarious evil and identify the ideology as Soviet Fascism in order to expose the deadly reality of our lives…

From Marxism to Soviet Fascism

The ideological fireball unleashed by Marxism in 19th century had a dramatic impact on life in Europe. Aggressive mob leaders fed on the public disorder and violence and their leadership attempted to produce the first socialist revolution in France. These events were followed by socialist revolt in Hungary and German Bavaria.  All three of those revolts failed quickly.  Western civilization rejected violent and destructive ideology–capitalism continued its development in Europe. I agree with Nietzsche that the envy of the poor is the main impulse toward revolution. Furthermore, history shows that the leadership of any political movement plays a crucial role in shaping the outcome of revolt–Lenin is the prime example of that concept and victory of the first Socialist revolt in Russia and creation of the first Socialist System in the USSR…

It so happened that Lenin had died soon after the revolution and the entire model of social organization has been created by Stalin. He made it a Law by his Constitution of 1936. Soviet Socialism was the only Socialism practiced in real life in the USSR. Later, Stalin designed a global application of his design-model and extensively practiced the expansion of Soviet Socialism and the Soviet System globally… It took Stalin twenty-nine years to establish the Chinese Communist State, the KGB and the Russian military delivered the result by 1949. Since then, both the Soviet Socialist model and the Soviet System had been implemented in the Chinese State’s structure from the top to the bottom identical to the Soviet one. Read What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012, pp125-145.

Don’t be confused with two words; Socialism and Communism—both are Marx’s fallacy, a fraud with a utopian concept to deceive you… However, the events in 1991 and the collapse of Soviet Union should’ve been discussed and analyzed. As a matter of fact, the Soviet Union did not collapse in 1991—it was Socialist economy that was unable to produce that collapsed. Yet, the other part of the Soviet System, all security services, have survived. I use the term KGB in talking about them. It was the force of the KGB that helped Socialism to deceive and fool people. In 1991 the fraud had died in the country where Socialism was born and practiced. Yet, the Soviet System, established by Stalin continues functioning and controlling the population…

The people of the KGB and the bureaucracy of the Soviet System were usurping governmental power and prolonging the life of the fake ideology. Though Socialism had already collapsed and was dead, the KGB had used and promoted the fake ideology, wrapping themselves in the Russian flag and carrying a cross, uniting religion and the force of the KGB together. The head of the entire Orthodox religion, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Russia, was a KGB agent. That entire process took place within all Soviet Republics, where the KGB had usurped the entire governmental power—Stalinist Soviet Fascism has been resurrected by the KGB and Vladimir Putin catapulted it into the Russian presidency.

Soviet Fascism in America

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” What an incredibly amazing forecast by Sinclair Lewis! Actually, he predicted the coming of Fascism after the total defeat of Nazi Germany in WWII. He was right. First fascism was resurrected in Russia in that exact way—“wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross” then, Soviet Fascism came to America. Soviet Fascism has been the main subject of my writings for over thirty years showing the way and exhibiting how it has happened in the reality of Russia’s political life and how it has transferred to America. It is the main subject of all my five books and over hundred columns. My third book titled An Agony: Face to Face with Soviet Fascism had been published by Intermedia Publishing Inc. 2012. President Lincoln was right: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” Alas, we indeed have the enemy within…

In this respect, it is good time to remind you of Stalinist Political Correctness (PC), as the Dems are using it full scale in their politics to destroy America from within. PC is a concept much larger and wider in parameters than only America—it is a universal vehicle and a canon used to fight the political opposition conceived by Joseph Stalin—the maximum for all the countries of the Axis of Evil run by the Socialist mafia and Soviet CharlatansToday, PC is fighting the American Republic with a wealth of different tactics, forms, shapes, and methods… Stalinist Political Correctness is a mechanism for preventing the Truth from being revealed. It is aimed at hiding or masking the Truth and replacing it with Socialist Dogma. It came to our country decades ago from Russia to destroy us from within, and I feel obliged to share my knowledge with you because the agenda of Political Correctness is Stalinist Dogma–fighting Western civilization toward the creation of a One World Socialist Government under Kremlin’s rule.”

Don’t be surprised—the Russian Socialist Revolution began in the Russian Duma (Parliament) in 1917. Under democratic slogans and using the fraud and deceit in the Duma, Lenin and his Bolshevik faction began the Socialist Revolution in Russia in 1917. The surprise is that America’s Democratic Party repeated these same tactics to destroy a successful capitalism and political system of the American Republic left to us by our Founding Fathers. The infiltrated leadership of the Democrat Party joined and supports Putin’s KGB, which has been infiltrating America since the 20th century. Read my column: …and the KGB in the White House, June 1, 2017.

Socialist Mentality

The Dems continued to promote the fake ideology of Socialism, which has already collapsed and is DEAD. The fake ideology is helping them to cover-up the lack of Truth in the reality of their ideology—Soviet fascism. Pay attention to how I named the traitors: America’s Socialist mafia, Stalinist Charlatans or Soviet Charlatans. They all were inculcated into Socialist mentality during the last several decades. Did you notice that all the hot spots of Covid-19 are located in the states run by the Dems? This is a result inherited from the past. Socialist mentality doesn’t have a “culture of preparedness” and sense of responsibility—Political Correctness is its creed. Look at a real face of Soviet Fascism and its carriers: the Trojan House Bernie, who was lying and deceiving you for the last thirty years—China has lied and deceived us for seventy years, and Russia, for a hundred years. Please, read here my column: You Deserve the Truth about Socialism/Communism, March 2, 2020. Read also my columns about PC on New Right Network.

In the first part of this column I’ve asked you to find on the computer and read the Black Liberation Army Coordinating Committee’s Message to the Black Movement, A Political Statement from the Black Underground. This document was composed by the KGB under Chairman Yuri Andropov and spread among the Black community in America at the end of 1960s. “Divide and conquer” was and is one of the major fronts in the war waged by Soviet Fascism, using the racial diversity in America. Stalin’s devoted disciple Andropov has instituted the racial policy. His devoted disciple Putin implemented it in the 21st century. Reading the mentioned document will open your eyes and mind to see how the actual Soviet propaganda machine inculcated the Afro American mentality, reprogrammed their minds and created a Socialist mentality. To learn about Andropov, please, read my columns and Epilogue, pp. 341-342, What is Happening to America? Xlibris, 2012.

A noted socialist, Dem Rep. James Clyburn told colleagues “Coronavirus Bill Is Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision.” I know his vision, it is described in my books and columns as a vision of Socialist mentality: to weaponized the pandemic, to destroy Trump, and to transform America. He is a product of the Soviet propaganda machine, which was very successful in the 20th century. Unfortunately, a Socialist mentality was instilled into the entire Dems leadership. The Dems Party presents a combination of America’s Socialist mafia, communists-Soviet Charlatans, and Progressive Squad under the supervision of Obama’s Deep State today. Those people have been undermining American interests for decades, cooperating with our enemies–the details are in my books and columns. Republicans who are not well-informed pertaining Russia and the “Axis of Evil,” are also helping the enemy. One of them is Richard Burr—an American Charlatan…

Covid-19 Pandemic: A Terror Act Against Humanity

President Trump admits, “We were attacked.” The questions arise: Who? When? How? And Why? Logically, the FBI and the post-Obama Intel must answer those questions, working 24/7. To succeed, I’d recommend that they read my books and columns. In my opinion Covid-19 is a man-made virus, designed by criminals, Socialists and Communists adhering to the ideology of Soviet Fascism. Not surprisingly, Socialist leader Maduro of Venezuela, is scorched in DOJ indictments for drug and trafficking-related crimes, including attempts to smuggle drugs into the United States. He is another face of Soviet Fascism across the globe today.

The investigation of Colid-19 Pandemic should be global, as all the countries of the Axis of Evil are adhered to the Evil ideology of Soviet fascism: There are some in the Democrat Party, too. That means the application of the KGB’s teachings and dirty tricks, especially “Operation Disinformation” are effective for all involved. Our Scientific community is also infiltrated by the KGB: Do you remember Trump’s and Fauci’s dueling narratives? I don’t like Dr. Fauci’s friendly relationship with Tedros Adhanom, the General-Director of WHO. In my opinion the latter is a KGB agent. Read about him and you’ll appreciate Trump’s intuition involving two Anti-Malaria drugs. In a war you use what you have. Two weeks have been stolen from the American people fighting for life against Terror. Yet, no panic. We need awareness of the ideology of Soviet Fascism and an analysis of the enemy’s identities and actions–it is our major task.

In the meantime, enjoy a message From Russia with Love Hundred Years Prior to Socialist Revolution by Russia’s beautiful poet Alexander Pushkin, being in quarantine about cholera in Boldino, addresses to us today!

“Excuse me, the inhabitants of the country,

In hours of mental torment

Congratulate you from confinement

Happy Great Spring Festival!

Everything will settle down, everything will pass Sorrows and anxieties will go away

Smooth roads again

And the garden, as before, will bloom.

To help the mind,

Sweep the disease by the power of knowledge And the days of hard trials

We’ll survive one family.

We will become cleaner and wiser

Not surrendering to the darkness and fear,

Perk up each other

We will become closer and kinder.

And at the holiday table

We will enjoy life again.

May the Almighty send on this day

A piece of happiness in every home!

A.S. Pushkin 1827”

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RELATED ARTICLE: Agony: Face to Face with Soviet Fascism — Part 1

2 replies
  1. Michael O'Block
    Michael O'Block says:

    Thank you for your work to educate Americans about Socialism/Communism there is very little difference between the two. I don’t know how BS can call himself a Democratic- Socialist the two don’t match up. Thank you for all you Dr. Pipko 🇺🇸🙏❤️


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