A Global Spy Ring: Obama, Putin, and Biden

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln

German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler had his eye on Ukraine. He dreamt of having fertile Ukrainian land to feed the German people. So he planned to enslave Ukrainian Slavs to work the land to make a flourishing German One Thousand Year Reich. To achieve the task, Adolf Hitler began WWII, September 1, 1939—millions were killed and injured. Eighty years later, Vladimir Putin now has his eye on Ukraine as well with the same plan, as he knows that there can’t be a Russian Empire without Ukraine. However, Vladimir Putin has acted in his own cunning way, to use the hands of others to achieve the goal, in this case—Americans.

In my preceding columns, I have already informed you about Obama’s transformation of America with the help of Russian Security forces—[united in their hate of capitalism]. Writing about them, I use a term KGB—Putin is their Face. Besides the general collaboration of the Obama/Putin Conspiracy, I have already given you a list of their Military collaboration against the American interests. Treason: Two Manchurian Presidents, July, 2, 2020. Still, I never expected a Global, International Ring of Socialist haters to unite in an attempt to destroy the young Ukrainian Democracy. Events exposed lately have stunned me.

Ukraine and its Socialist Mafia

Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe, it is larger than Germany or France. Ukraine is a beautiful country with vast areas of very fertile land, deep forest and plenty of hard-working and freedom-loving people. The country was under the regime of the Stalinist Socialist mafia for seventy years and the Ukrainians suffered enormously all those years. In the 1930s Stalin created a man-made starvation, 7-to-10 million people perished: every family was devastated and the memory of this tragedy has been validated by history and documentary. Ukraine proclaimed its independence immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union and thus started the fight with the Stalinist Socialist mafia inside Ukraine…

To investigate the Ukraine scandal, knowledge of Russia’s KGB is a must. For your information, the KGB loves to fish in a murky waters and pre-election Ukraine 2019 was the location of very murky waters. Putin’s desire to have Ukraine had never changed: the KGB had placed a lot of sleeper cells in Ukraine, a country of enormous corruption. This current scandal has very intriguing kinds of people involved: the top Dems Joe Biden, the KGB agent George Soros, four Dem Senators, and some even more questionable persons—a knot of possibilities that may even lead to the uncovering of the long-term Obama/Putin conspiracy…

“The year 2014 was a tough and crucial year for Ukraine: Russia invaded and occupied Crimea and directed a Russian speaking mob to attack the Ukrainian territory in Donbas and Lugansk—the war against the Ukrainian people had begun. And the tragedy is that Ukraine wasn’t ready to fight—the country didn’t have an army, weaponry and ammunition—Ukraine was naked due to the policy of Russian crony President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych. Thousands of Ukrainians were killed, a lot of territory was lost. Death Toll up to 13,000 in Ukraine Conflict, Says UN Rights Office. KYIV — Some 13,000 people have been killed, a quarter of them civilians, and as many as 30,000 wounded in the war in eastern Ukraine since it broke out in April 2014, the United Nations says. My conclusion: The blood of those Ukrainians is on the hands of America’s Manchurian President Obama, who steadfastly refused to help Ukraine and did nothing…

It was then that the Ukrainian people lost respect for the government of the U.S. It was then in 2014 the Ukrainian people took their destiny in their own hands. Volunteers with hunting rifles, some with knifes went to defend their country and died in the thousands, they sacrificed for their children to live in an Independent Ukraine. Patriots have saved their country. Please read here Russian Interference in the American Government (a.k.a. the Democratic Party) January 28, 2020.

The Biden Papa and Son

Obama delegated Joe Biden as a point man to Ukraine in 2014. Biden didn’t bring needed help arms or ammunition, he traveled to Ukraine with his son Hunter, whose activity deserves explanation. Neither Biden nor his son Hunter speaks Ukrainian or knows Ukrainian Law, which is completely different from American Case Law. Nevertheless, Hunter became connected to Burisma Holdings, which has operated in the Ukrainian natural gas market since 2002. Burisma Holding is the appendix of former Ukrainian President Yanukovych, a close friend of Vladimir Putin, who exiled in Russia to escape the Ukrainian’s people wrath for destruction of the Ukrainian Republic…

There is also a direct connection between Biden’s family and an oligarch in Ukraine— ”Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, joined the board of Ukrainian energy … According to The New York Times, Hunter Biden helped assemble the company’s legal team, … Burisma is led by an oligarch named Mykola Zlochevsky.” Ukrainian Mykola Zlochevsky, founder of Burisma Holdings Company, on whose board Hunter Biden in 2014 was appointed, while at the same time his father was leading the Obama administration’s diplomatic dealings with Ukraine. Zlochevsky was a Minister of Energy in the Yanukovych government, which means he is the Russian asset, like Yanukovych himself.

How could this happen and how did Hunter Biden get an immediate connection to pro-Russian oligarch Zlochevsky? There is only one answer to the question: the Obama administration had cooperated with the previous pro-Russian administration in Ukraine; that way Hunter Biden had been tied with pro-Russian oligarch. But that also means that the American Embassy in Kiev had been working towards the same direction providing Aid and Comfort to Putin’s KGB…which is Treason against America… Zlochevsky is the subject of several closed cases now under audit by the Ukrainian prosecutor general in the new democratic Ukraine. The young Ukrainian democracy is now working to bring the Truth out:

“We are now reviewing all the cases that were closed or split into several parts or were investigated before, in order to be able to rule to reverse those cases where illegal procedural steps were taken.”

Americans can’t even imagine the scale of monumental corruption in Ukraine, it is Soviet style corruption. If you know Soviet style corruption, you’ll grasp the concept of Socialist Charlatans acting globally and in America’s Deep State under Obama. There is a very peculiar situation within America’s Socialist mafia, I mentioned it in my column Face to Face with Fascism in America, in this magazine September 28, 2019. Yes, writing for the last decade, I had renamed Soviet Socialism to Soviet fascism: both are the mortal enemy of America. I relay on you to choose the correct terminology…

Don’t be surprised that violence is surging in America and promoted by the Democrat Party. The major issue now is saving our country and knowledge of the Russian KGB is a MUST as well. I have already introduced you to Stalinist postulate for all Communists and Socialists: Never admit any crime you committed, but accuse the opponent in this exact crime. You will see in the upcoming presidential election in 2020 how Joe Biden follows that exact recipe—he will accuse Trump in the actions he himself or his son had committed. Considering Hunter’s bio, he has nothing to do with energy or Ukrainian Law, yet he was getting big money every month from the company in Ukraine. In front of you is an example of America’s Socialist mafia, Socialist Charlatans connected to a very corrupt foreign entity with the possibility of the crimes of extortion and bribery. This is the result of Obama/Putin Conspiracy, where Putin is running what amounts to a Global Spy Ring…

At the same time the Dems are constantly monitoring and investigating the U.S. President Donald J. Trump [following Stalin’s pattern]. The Dems are diverting attention from the sinister crime of treason they have committed–It is typical Stalinist DIVERSION… Look at the impeachment led by the House of Representative—a total fraud, waste of time and money a-la Soviet Fascism, which corrupts everything it touches. Who is the beneficiary of political chaos in America?? Look at riots, looting, and killing in our major cities! This is the result of the union of the Democrat Party with Organized crime brought to America by the Obama/Putin Conspiracy–the unity is a counter-revolutionary movement to destroy America the Beautiful. The Black Lives Matter group is nothing more than an Anti-Semitic and terrorist organization trained by Marxist KGB to stage fake protests and to create civil unrest around the country. They are the armed forces of the Democrat Party to smear President Trump and all other Republicans…

Tom Fitton was right about the Ukraine scandal as another malicious effort to protect the Obama/Clinton gang, criminal classified leaks, and spying targeting.” I called this gang America’s Socialist mafia, built by the Democrats. Their attack on Trump was the Deep State’s usual provocation made by the well-organized cabal of Obama’s CIA led by Socialist Charlatan John Brennan to divert attention from the crimes committed by Obama/Clinton gang. To cover-up their crime, they orchestrated coup against Trump. Obama delegated Biden to deal with Ukraine and a real crime, incredible corruption on global parameters is manifested by Biden’s “deals” in Ukraine. Don’t you feel the Russian Connection there?

Vladimir Putin is laughing hilariously in the Kremlin: his Global Spy Ring has undermined his mortal enemy—President Donald J. Trump… Putin relies on his KGB’s operatives like Keith Ellison, George Soros, Rep. Omar or Susan Rice and he is right: we have enemies within—a counter-revolutionary movement led by the Democrats in Blue states against our way of life, our moral standards, and the political system designed by our Founding Fathers. The late false narratives of “Systemic Racism” and “White Supremacy” are the hoop-la promoted by Putin’s KGB to divide and destroy America, we know and love. Putin is not alone, China joins Russia doubling the Evil forces of destruction. The time has come to expose the Dems’ counter-revolutionary attempt to demolish our exceptional political system–the FBI must be involved, our national security is at stake…

My fellow Americans!

We are the land of the free and the home of the brave. Please, read Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech. It is a masterwork for all Republican Conservatives, a national program for all decent Americans, who love their country and treasure the memory of all our soldiers’ sacrifices to keep us free…

P.S. Please, watch Why Does Stalin Matter? the scholarly analyses:

The Soviet KGB agent Susan Rosenberg sponsors terrorist criminals Black Lives Matter.

To be continued www.simonapipko1.com   www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

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  1. […] was shared with China. The same Network exists in China supervising the globe. Read my column: A Global Spy Ring: Obama, Putin, and Biden July 9, 2020. Learn about Prince Harry and Meaghen who left England for personal freedom, […]

  2. […] was shared with China. The same Network exists in China supervising the globe. Read my column: A Global Spy Ring: Obama, Putin, and Biden July 9, 2020 and learn why Prince Larry and Meaghen moved to America, bush our country and defend […]

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