LAY FAITHFUL EXPOSING BIDEN-HARRIS: Extreme anti-Catholic ticket a historical first!

CHAMPLIN, Minn. ( – The Biden-Harris presidential bid is the most anti-Catholic one in U.S. history, according to a campaign to educate Catholic voters.

A group of lay faithful known as “Catholics for Truth” recently debuted its website (ACT) as part of an initiative to inform Catholic voters that Biden and Harris’ positions on a plethora of topics contradict non-negotiable Church teachings.

ACT spotlights that Biden and Harris are wrong on abortion, marriage, religious liberty, gender ideology, law and order and socialism.

“Catholic voters may not vote for a pro-abortion candidate if the challenging candidate opposes abortion — doing so would be a mortal sin and place your immortal soul in jeopardy,” the ACT’s section on abortion emphasizes.

This stance comports with the position of the U.S. bishops’ conference, which holds that abortion is the preeminent concern for Catholic voters in 2020.

Others Pushing in the Opposite Direction

Church Militant spoke with Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute, who also serves as a spokesman for Catholics for Truth.

Hichborn notes that some self-identified “Catholic” outlets, groups and individuals are pushing hard a Biden-Harris win.

“America Magazine has published articles trying to convince Catholics that they can be communists, and Catholics for Biden should just take off the mask and reveal it’s true name: ‘Catholics for Abortion,'” he said. “These groups have almost nothing to do with Catholicism and everything to do with pro-abortion, pro-sodomy Marxism.”

America Magazine recently spotlighted Catholics for Biden and published an article entitled “Joe Biden’s Catholic Politics Are Complicated — but Deeply American.”

Asked about a tweet in which pro-gay Jesuit Fr. James Martin claimed a vote for Biden is not mortally sinful, Hichborn explained “There are nine ways by which one participates in the sin of another person.”

“Everyone who votes for a candidate whose stated objective is to promote, support, encourage and defend abortion, contraception, homosexuality, transgenderism, socialism and so forth participates in the sin of the politician by way seven: partaking,” he said.

“Those voting for the candidate know what he intends to do with the office once he holds it, so by voting for him, they are helping him to obtain the position necessary for him to achieve his stated objectives,” Hichborn continued. “Therefore, a vote for him partakes in his sinful objective. Period.”

“For James Martin to claim that a vote for pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, Marxist Joe Biden is not a mortal sin, then either Fr. Martin doesn’t really understand what a mortal sin is or has no moral compass at all,” he added.

Kamala Harris‘ Abuse of Power

Hichborn also spoke about Biden’s running mate.

He told Church Militant that Harris “was the attorney general for the state of California and refused to uphold the law as required by her office.”

She refused to prosecute known sexual predators in the clergy.Tweet

“She refused to uphold the law regarding same-sex ‘marriage’ when it was illegal in California, she refused to prosecute known sexual predators in the clergy and she abused her office to prosecute pro-life activist David Daleiden,” Hichborn continued. “If she’s willing to abuse power like this as an attorney general, just imagine what she would do with access to the White House.”

“Her willingness to thrust a boot upon the necks of those upholding Catholic teaching should be a clear warning sign to Catholics across this nation,” he added.

Prelates and Priests Opposing Biden-Harris Ticket

Catholics for Truth is not the lone voice of the lay faithful. Some bishops and priests are also decrying the Biden-Harris ticket.

“You cannot be a Catholic and a Democrat. Period,” said Fr. James Altman in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

“As the bishop of Tyler, I endorse Fr. Altman’s statement in this video. My shame is that it has taken me so long,” said Bp. Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas in a tweet. “Thank you, Fr. Altman, for your courage. If you love Jesus and His Church and this nation, please heed this message.”

“When a prominent Catholic politician [such as Joe Biden] publicly and voluntarily officiates at a ceremony to solemnize the relationship of two people of the same-sex, confusion arises regarding Catholic teaching on marriage and the corresponding moral obligations of Catholics,” observed Abp. Joseph Kurtz of Louisville. “What we see is a counter-witness instead of a faithful one founded in the truth.”

“I don’t understand how Mr. Biden can claim to be a good and faithful Catholic as he denies so much of Church teaching, especially on the absolute child abuse and human rights violations of the most innocent, the not-yet born,” exclaimed Bp. Richard Stika of Knoxville, Tennessee. “And he also praises his sidekick who has shown time and time again in Senate hearings that she is an anti-Catholic bigot.”

“[Biden’s] failure to protect the unborn puts him not only in conflict with the Catholic faith but with the Christian gospel, the founding principles of America, the very meaning of public service and basic human decency,” said Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. “You can’t kill babies, and you can’t authorize anyone else to do so.”

“Joe Biden has stubbornly and contumaciously ignored Church teaching on abortion and religious freedom,” stated Fr. Michael Orsi of Camden, New Jersey.

Father Orsi noted that a 2004 memorandum from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (signed by Cdl. Ratzinger) states that a politician who consistently campaigns on and votes for permissive abortion laws should be informed by his pastor not to receive Communion.

Regarding the shepherds of the Church who refuse to denounce Biden, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, an outspoken pro-life Catholic priest and regular on EWTN, did not mince words.

“The silence of the U.S. bishops about Joe Biden may even be a greater scandal than Biden’s idolatry (by which he places his intrinsically evil political agenda before his Catholicism),” he said, “because a case can be made that he indulges in such scandal and idolatry because of the tacit approval from our shepherds.”


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EDITORS NOTE: This ChurchMilitant column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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