Schools vs. Parents: Va. Locals Expelled from School Board Meeting

Parents across the country are waking up to the indoctrination happening in public schools. Whether it’s over the top LGBTQ+ lessons as social and emotional learning or racism promoted as racial justice, parents are not about to accept the status quo for their children. Washington elites may try to explain it all away, as Chuck Todd did on Meet the Press, but this outpouring of anger is not just “manufactured.”

NEA President Becky Pringle doubled down on protest as education with her interview on CBS News. She believes that students need to “actually confront the injustices that have been built into every social system within this country.”

Pringle went on, “We should never underestimate our students’ ability to not only learn about the complete and rich history of this country, but to come together with their shared stories and make sure that they have the opportunity to be those problem-solvers we need them to be so we can confront the institutional racism that this country lives with every single day. And it’s not just about history. It’s about right now, as we very well know.”

Statements like that encapsulate the ideology that most parents don’t want their children taught anywhere, especially not at school. Surveys have shown that overwhelming majorities of parents oppose schools teaching that America was founded on racism and is structurally racist.

It’s no wonder, then, that Loudoun County parents turned out yesterday by the hundreds to offer their commentary on what that school system is promoting to students. Not only were many parents supportive of Christian PE teacher Tanner Cross, they were outraged by unfair treatment of a student whose parents opted him out of LGBTQ+ lessons for Pride Month. They also overwhelmingly oppose a proposed policy to allow opposite sex students access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and hotel rooms.

And while conservative and Christian parents are painted as “out of order” or “unruly,” it was the “screaming” parent of a transgender student who accused the “followers of Jesus” of “dripping with hate.”

We don’t expect a truce anytime soon, and in the meantime we need parents and concerned citizens to start running for school board and winning elections. Join us for FRC Action’s School Board Boot Camp on Tuesday, June 29 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. where we will train a new generation of school board officers to save America’s schools.

Also, watch this week’s edition of Pray Vote Stand. We tackle the pushback in America’s school districts and share how you can join the fight to stop the indoctrination. Watch on-demand now.

Are you concerned about an assignment your child has from school? Have you overheard political or inappropriate conversations between your child and others during virtual learning? Do you have ideological or politicized curriculum to share? Please report it using FRC’s Together we can work to save our schools. Our children deserve the very best.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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