Is the Obama/Biden Crime Family Being Paid by OPEC?

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” – George Addair

Foreword on my blog by Fred Brownbill. Please. Read this blog. Every word. It is vital we all understand what is happening.

Here in the good old US of A, the usurper in the WH, ( as one of his very first acts as the pretend president they let out the basement ), shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline which automatically destroyed tens of thousands of great paying jobs in areas of the country that relied on that for their local economy.

However, the mentally challenged Biden and his spokespersons said “no problem, they understood and these workers would soon be able to get new jobs and careers in the green energy field, for example producing solar panels!!”

Seriously? Yes – they were serious! These highly skilled oil workers could go from $100K+ a year to a minimum wage job! All be it a new minimum wage job at maybe $13 an hour. So far none of these workers have managed to obtain much in the way of work as Biden continues his onslaught against the fossil fuel economy and industry – Americas blood line. Plus, of course, the Chinese pretty much have the solar panel market sewn up, what with their slave labor market and the natural resources needed stolen and pillaged from third world countries whose rabid dictators are kept in power with Chinese money.

Unlike President Donald Trump who put America and Americans first, Biden appears to be putting China, Russia and OPEC countries first. It sucks to be an American in America today, especially if you think it’s right to work hard and provide for your family. We know he ( Biden ) and his entire crime family has a history of financially benefitting from our enemies.

Just last Wednesday Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan reached out to OPEC and ‘begged’ them to increase oil production. He stated Biden wanted a safe controlled supply of oil for Americans! What a lie!! We had that domestically until the Democrats stole the election.

For those of you who do not know who makes up OPEC let me tell you. The list to me reads like a list of horrendous countries we shouldn’t be giving any form of financial or political advantage. They are NOT our friends. None of them. By ours I mean the real America and not the Commie dream America of the Biden administration filled with radical leftists.

1) Saudi Arabia

2) Iran

3) Iraq

4) Kuwait

5) Venezuela

6) Qatar

7) Indonesia

8) Libya.

9) United Arab Emirates

10) Algeria

11) Nigeria.

12) Angola.

Now, after reading and comprehending the above list of communist, Marxist and Muslim countries to whom we ‘beg’ for oil try to put this into context. America became a net exporter of oil under the last truly and legally elected President, Donald J Trump. That means we could supply all our own oil needs plus export oil to other countries.

Understand that on top of OPEC we now also get over 20% of our oil from Russia. Another great friend and ally – NOT.

In December 2020 we imported 12,898* barrels of oil from Russia. In May 2021 that had gone to 26,171* barrels. ( * those figures are multiples of thousands of barrels so multiply each by 1000 )

Why would this fraudulent and treasonous administration do this to America and Americans?

The Great Reset!

They are rapidly moving this country left faster than anyone thought possible. Everything we do will be monitored and controlled by future government administrations. What we drive is part of that. They want gas cars replaced by electric cars but mostly by public transport. If you remember Agenda 21, the plan there was to reduce country living and bring people into cities that are easily controlled. New apartment buildings and condos couldn’t have garages for each unit so as to reduce car usage.

Independent citizens are not a part of their plan. Dependent citizens are! They want us depending on the government from cradle to grave.

This is what we are looking forward to America. Many of the readers of this blog understand but some will not as it is read far and wide in many countries. They will call me an alarmist, a conspiracy theorist or just a plain old domestic terrorist!! Or maybe just white privileged.

Another reason is money and power. Who better than Biden ( the Big Guy ) and his crime family members at ensuring they get their share?

America. Again I state that despite the mentally challenged and perverted so called President being nothing more than a pathetic, weak figurehead, what we are witnessing is Obama’s third term. His people are in charge. Whereas during the Obama era when his administration and agenda was run by the Clintons, this one is run by him and his leftist corrupt political ‘friends’ ( both national and international ) and what we are witnessing is his fundamental changing of America! He started this project and it was supposed to be completed by an incoming Clinton administration but they were thwarted by an unexpected Trump victory. That was when they said never again. Never will a conservative win an election again. They planned and executed the largest election fraud the world has ever seen. They stole a country using the media and lies.

Nothing would stop them again in completing the fundamental changing of America and then the completion of the great reset.

One day soon I will write on social credits which will affect everyone not in line with their obscene communist agenda. Your lives will be ruined. Your ambitions will be thwarted and your hopes destroyed.

A fairy tale? Heck no.

We are running out of time to stop these madmen. They are insane. They are corrupt. They are the spawn of the Devil. They are evil. The choices are getting slimmer along with the time we have left.

I do not know if we can beat them peacefully anymore like through the ballot box as they have shown how adept they are at manipulating this.

As Thomas Jefferson stated – The tree of liberty must be refreshed… The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Are we there America? You tell me.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

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