WARNING: Florida’s County Commissioners are Losing Housing Makeup Authority
Once again the Florida State legislators are diminishing local authority regarding the housing make up of the county.
Considering the illegal problem we have in the state, and knowing that most agriculture is done with equipment, why do the Florida State legislators feel the need to change the makeup of the county without local input?
These bills should never pass. Soon there will be no reason the have local elected officials.
That is a Great Reset goal. Please share
In 2023 they passed CS/SB 102
Housing; Citing this act as the “Live Local Act”; deleting the authority of local governments to adopt or maintain laws, ordinances, rules, or other measures that would have the effect of imposing controls on rents; providing an exemption from ad valorem taxation for land that meets certain criteria; authorizing local governments to adopt ordinances to provide an ad valorem tax exemption for portions of property used to provide affordable housing meeting certain requirements; suspending, for a specified period, the General Revenue Fund service charge on documentary stamp tax collections; authorizing the Governor, under the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund, to approve state or local public infrastructure projects to facilitate the development or construction of affordable housing, etc.
APPROPRIATION: $711,000,000
In 2024 they are now attempting to pass HB 1051 and SB1082
HB 1051
HB 1051 General Bill by Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency Subcommittee and Tuck and Alvarez (CO-SPONSORS) McClure
Housing for Agricultural Workers: Prohibits governmental entity from inhibiting construction of housing for agricultural workers on certain agricultural land; provides requirements for construction or installation of specified housing; requires local ordinances comply with certain regulations; authorizes adoption of local land use regulations that are less restrictive than certain state & federal regulations; provides requirements for record maintenance; provides for the suspension & removal of use of certain housing units; specifies applicability of certain permit allocation systems; authorizes continued use of certain housing sites constructed if certain conditions are met.
Effective Date: July 1, 2024
General Bill by Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency Subcommittee and Tuck and Alvarez (CO-SPONSORS) McClure
Housing for Agricultural Workers: Prohibits construction of housing for agricultural workers on certain agricultural land; provides requirements for governmental entity from inhibiting construction or installation of specified housing; requires local ordinances comply with certain regulations; authorizes adoption of local land use regulations that are less restrictive than certain state & federal regulations; provides requirements for record maintenance; provides for the suspension & removal of use of certain housing units; specifies applicability of certain permit allocation systems; authorizes continued use of certain housing sites constructed if certain conditions are met.
Effective Date: July 1, 2024
©2024. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.
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