At What Point Do We Say ENOUGH?

Critically thinking about what’s happening to America.

I posted the first version of this commentary in 2022. I not only have many new subscribers, but also a LOT has happened since then. Since we all are immersed in the minutia of our daily lives, it is helpful to periodically take some deep breaths, and stand back — way back — to get a better perspective as to what is societally going on…

When reviewing my earlier list, I was very surprised (and disturbed) by how many significant changes have taken place in such a short time. Below is my take on where things currently stand on some key issues…

The Big Picture is that Communists (e.g., China) and its allies (including those within the U.S.) are in stark opposition to Democracies (e.g., the US, Europe, etc.). Put another way, the No-God forces on this planet are in a life-and-death war against the Pro-God forces.

Let’s briefly step back and see several examples of where America’s opponents are attackingand what successes they have had to date. Hopefully, this might focus our attention on areas we need to push back against, plus the imperative of working together with other like-minded citizens, in effective ways.…

  • TargetStandards… Strategy: Promote relativism., where there are no standards, as all points of view are equally valid, and truth is relative to the individual.
  • TargetReligion… Strategy: Undermine Judeo-Christian beliefs and morality. Replace these with a new unpublished set of “values,” fabricated by self-appointed puppet masters, and enforced by parties with no legitimate authority to do so.
  • TargetMen… Strategy: Emasculate, feminize, and weaken all men. A significant subset of this is to “de-privilege” white men.
  • TargetWomen… Strategy: Defeminize women, dilute the role of mothers, corrupt the definition of “woman,” allow men to compete in sports as “women,” etc.
  • TargetFamilies..Strategy: Redefine what a conventional family is, and undercut its importance. Promote pornography to undermine healthy adult relationships.
  • TargetEducation..Strategy: Propagandize children. Emphasize conformity instead of Critical Thinking. Undermine Science education (e.g., with NGSS, substituting political science for Real Science, etc.). Promote the insidious SEL, which is about the state controlling the values of our children. Install grade inflation. Etc.
  • TargetInitiative… Strategy: Undermine by awarding participation instead of performance.
  • TargetMerit… Strategy: Devalue competence by promoting people based on historical injustices rather than their skills and commitment.
  • TargetEmployment… Strategy: Replace able-bodied citizens (especially those who are not critical thinkers) with robots and/or AI/ChatGPT.
  • Target: Citizens… Strategy: The collective’s rights take priority over individual rights. Additionally, the planet’s rights supersede those of humans.
  • TargetEconomy..Strategy: Waste enormous sums on foolish political agendas (driven by lobbyists), which are not in the best interest of citizens or the country.
  • TargetFinancial System..Strategy: Undermine the Dollar on a variety of fronts from Bitcoin to CBCD. Bank failures due to mismanagement and Fed policies.
  • TargetIndustrialization..Strategy: Corrupt the electric grid with unreliable, expensive renewable energy, while opposing fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
  • TargetScience..Strategy: Use apostate “scientists” or “experts” to misdirect real Science analyses, and to confuse the public about what Science is.
  • TargetUnity..Strategy: Aware that united we stand, divided we fall, anti-Americans inflame matters like racism to incite discord and distrust among fellow citizens.
  • TargetPatriotism… Strategy: Inject WOKEDEICRT, etc. ideologies in our education system to purposefully sabotage citizen support for their country.
  • TargetKnowledge… Strategy: Utilize mainstream media as a major source of disinformation on societal topics ranging from COVID to climate change.
  • TargetLanguage… Strategy: Numerous examples of purposeful language deceptions because those who control the language, control the narrative. Further: when we destabilize language, we destabilize thought (which is a power tactic).
  • TargetFree Speech… Strategy: Allow social media to be a vehicle that censors citizen views currently deemed not to be politically correct.
  • TargetCommon Sense… Strategy: Trick citizens into questioning their intuition by normalizing non-sensical situations (e.g., there are more than two genders, etc.).
  • TargetCritical Thinking… Strategy: Our opponents’ worst fear is to have critically thinking citizens — so they try to eradicate this on all levels from children in school, to adults in society. They also employ advanced mind control strategies.
  • TargetCivility… Strategy: Establish a new normal of personal attacks on any who dare to express opinions that differ from current political correctness.
  • TargetElections..Strategy: Corrupt the election process so that key legislators are not always elected by citizens. Resist meaningful audits to avoid exposing this.
  • TargetLegislators..Strategy: Promote petty political agendas that take priority over what is in the best interest of their constituents and the country.
  • TargetBorder Security..Strategy: Allow essentially anyone who chooses, to come into the country — including criminals, spies, etc. Then reward these foreign citizens by having US taxpayers pay for their food, housing, health care, etc.
  • TargetDemocracy..Strategy: Work towards Marxism, by getting citizens to be dis-satisfied; disassociate from our traditional values; accept socialism, etc. (See above!)
  • TargetPolitical Opponents… Strategy: Weaponize government agencies (e.g., DOJ, FBI) to attack citizens (e.g., Donald Trump) who have differing political views.
  • TargetMilitary..Strategy: Use many of the above tactics to weaken our military.
After setting the stage for America’s demise, our opponents began carefully doing some checks to ensure everything was proceeding according to plan. For example, consider the following tests — all of which have been successful:
  1. Inject in mainstream media (e.g., comic strips, TV, movies) an incessant message demeaning men. Then verify that few notice and fewer yet object: √
  2. Insert anti-American marketing terms into the vocabulary, to see how many citizens will incorporate them into their vocabulary and communications: √
  3. Assess the public’s resistance to anti-democratic decrees by getting states to mandate unscientific, unreliable, uneconomic, harmful energy sources, like industrial wind energy: √
  4. Arrange for taxpayers and ratepayers to heavily subsidize unscientific, unreliable, uneconomic, harmful — but politically favored — energy sources, and see if there is any large-scale pushback: √
  5. After succeeding with #3 & #4, then get states to force US rural citizens (often against their will) to accept non-sensical energy sources into their community: √
  6. Confirm that teachers, parents, legislators, and conservative organizations are compliant with (or ignorant of) the Scientific Method being eliminated from the K-12 Science curriculum (particularly with the NGSS): √
  7. Verify that parents, legislators, and conservative organizations allow teaching the opposite of Critical Thinking in the K-12 Science curriculum: √
  8. Convince a trusting public that voter ID, machine regulations, meaningful audits, etc. are unnecessary detriments to election integrity. Substantiate their progress by getting a national candidate elected, who barely even campaigned: √
  9. Use their successful climate change script with a manageable virus, to shut down the U.S. economy, and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans (due to bureaucratic, self-serving, and unscientific policies): √
  10. Following #9, ascertain that they can get the majority of US citizens to agree to be injected with an unscientific, unproven, experimental, biochemical concoction, with unknown ingredients, and no long-term safety tests: √
  11. Following #9, affirm that they can convince almost all mainstream churches to voluntarily agree to disconnect from their flock: √
  12. Establish that the military will agree to undermine its strength by complying with political agendas like green energymandated injectionswokeness, etc: √

Etc., etc.

We are like lobsters in a pot where the temperature is gradually increasing. We have been warned before (e.g., see herehere, and here). Had enough yet?

Again, Critical Thinking concludes that almost all of these issues are due to the real war we are all immersed in Pro-God vs No-God forces.

The good news is that God can solve ALL of the above!

One of my primary life philosophies is: “Work as if everything depended on me, but pray as if everything depended on God.” The ball is in our court…

PS — Here is a relevant quote: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” – Edmund Burke, statesman, and writer.

PPS — After I wrote the above piece, I saw this commentary, which makes some superior points: How Nations Slip from Greatness to Obscurity. Read it carefully…

Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:

Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack.

WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not do, on issues from COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2023 Archives. Please send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time – but why would you?

©2024. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

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