Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio): ‘White men are biggest terrorist threat to U.S., not Muslims’

Brown’s words recall a widely-heralded study that was published last summer, claiming that “right-wing extremism” was a bigger threat to the U.S. than jihad, based on the number of Americans killed by each since 9/11. Not only does this study skew the results by leaving out 9/11, but it also ignored the many, many foiled jihad plots in the U.S. since 9/11.

Also, right-wing extremists like Dylann Roof, the murderer in Charleston, South Carolina, killed because of their paranoid fantasies, but were not part of any movement with an articulated agenda or goal, while Islamic jihadists are members of or ideologically aligned with groups that have declared their intention to destroy the U.S. and the free world. Islamic jihad groups are determined to kill as many Americans as possible and conquer free societies, and swallowing Brown’s nonsense here will result in the deaths of many Americans.

“White Men Are The Biggest Terrorist Threat To The U.S., Not Muslims — A Reminder From Sen. Sherrod Brown,” by Val Powell, Inquisitr, November 23, 2015:

Muslims and other Middle Eastern people have been falsely branded as terrorists by many, but on Thursday, Sen. Sherrod Brown reminded millions of Americans that most acts of terrorism in the country were carried out by white men and not by Arabs or Muslims.

Brown said that “generally white males” are to blame for many terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001. He cited several incidents of mass shootings in public places in broad daylight and called them “terrorist attacks,” but the only difference is that they were carried out by “different kinds of terrorists.”

“I think most of us recognize, we’re concerned but we also know that we trust the FBI and our security forces to do this right. I mean, since the beginning of the Bush administration when we were attacked, September 11th, we’ve not had any major terrorist attacks in this country,” Brown said, adding that the country has been relatively safe from foreign terrorists.

Many people in Fort Hood and Boston would beg to differ.

Brown also pointed out that the real terror does not come from the outside and that much of the people’s views and stereotypes are distorted. During a radio interview on WAKR, Sen. Brown said that while people are putting all the blame on Muslims, white men who were involved in smaller acts of terrorism committed were neglected.

“We’ve had individual crazy people, normally, they look more like me than they look like Middle Easterners — they are generally white males — who have shot up people in movie theaters and schools. Those are terrorist attacks, they’re just different kinds of terrorists.”

The Ohio Democrat also assured people there is nothing to fear because the government and local communities are putting every effort in keeping the country safe for everyone. The government has done a great job warding off terrorist attacks from foreigners. However, he added the real cause for concern is the terrorism that happens inside the country done by white men, and that is where the government fails to protect its people.

“Not keeping us safe from crazy gunmen coming into schools and movie theaters sometimes, but certainly keeping us safe from foreigners attacking this country,” the senator argued.

In response to the ISIS terror attacks in Paris, Donald Trump suggested shutting down mosques to prevent extremist Muslims from committing atrocities in the country. Conservatives are also against offering asylum to Syrian refugees.

Domestic terrorism is a problem in the country, but it is often neglected and replaced with paranoia that comes with welcoming Muslims in the U.S.

However, white men were responsible for the firebombing of abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood, as well as mass shootings in movie theaters and schools. Who can forget the killing of nine church members in South Carolina? The perpetrator was a white young man named Dylann Roof. In a recent interview, the senator made a good point of reminding people about the stereotypes people subscribe to….


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EDITORS NOTE: Ayn Rand wrote, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

What Senator Brown said is absurd!

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