Entries by Bill Finlay

President Obama: Time for a vote of “No Confidence”

What do we do when our system of checks and balances fail? We find a new way … listen to a solution from MG Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret.). [youtube]http://youtu.be/NSqOMF4I9IQ[/youtube] Drew Zahn from World Net Daily reports: Some have proposed marches. Others hearings. Some have demanded the president’s resignation. Some have called for impeachment, even […]

How many of the Communist Goals have Democrats implemented? You will be surprised!

The communists don’t have to overrun the United States of America.  The Democrats are doing it for them.  Here are just the some of the forty-five Communist Goals read into the Congressional Record in 1963 that have already happened. The full list is below my video: [youtube]http://youtu.be/hup8VIw69qc[/youtube] Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 Current […]

DANGER: “Welfare Warpath”

What happens when corrupt government turns millions of people into welfare dependents? It gives the government the ability to start riots on command. Join TEA Teams USA and make a difference. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnV9Ix8WMkY&feature=share&list=UUh_pjHONrnhzFbPv1Sg5EnA[/youtube] ABOUT TEA TEAMS USA TEA Teams USA Missions: To contend for the God and Country principles upon which the United States was founded […]

A heartfelt message to all Atheists

[youtube]http://youtu.be/76r_ncAQuyY[/youtube] Atheists cannot help but send me nasty notes for Christmas. I answer a couple in this video. Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/WildBillforAmerica?feature=watch

Christmas Tea

[youtube]http://youtu.be/KA54sfOVBHA[/youtube] Bringing a Christmas message of hope to all Americans.

Death in the Gun Free Zone!

School shootings can be blamed on liberal propaganda that has replaced common sense God and Country education!  Making the case here. [youtube]http://youtu.be/Qi47JilQCHQ[/youtube] EDITORS NOTE: Florida has over 1 million citizens with concealed carry permits. Gun store owners report a 73% increase in female customers. Women purchased 1 million out of 8 million guns sold through […]

Dancing with Ducks!

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld9xKGKdxQU&feature=share&list=UUh_pjHONrnhzFbPv1Sg5EnA&index=1[/youtube] A TV star speaks out truthfully about homosexuality and the uproar is priceless.  Bill says it is time for Americans of faith to find their courage and speak against the forces that are harming this great nation.