The Real Rogue Cop Problem
Over at PJ Media, I discuss where, and why, police are actually participating in the heinous targeting of certain population[s]:
Do #InfidelLivesMatter?
It’s open season on police officers these days, because many black Americans believe that it’s open season on them. And while some police officers are no doubt hateful, corrupt, and compromised to powerful interests, in the main one must go out of the country to find the real rogue cops: police officers who aid and abet, and sometimes even participate in, the terrorizing of their own people.
Last week, the Supreme Court of Pakistan took the unusual step of criticizing the police’s failure to intervene in the case of a couple, Shahzad and Shama Masih, who were murdered by a lynch mob in Kot Radha Kishan, Punjab, in November 2014. Five police officers stood by and did nothing while a frenzied mob murdered the Masihs.
Why didn’t they step in and stop the lynching? Because the Masihs were Christians, accused of blasphemy.
Blasphemy is a capital crime in Pakistan, but all too often the death sentence is carried out not by duly constituted authorities, but by slavering mobs such as killed Shahzad and Shama Masih.
Police, sharing the mob’s world view, stand by and let it happen.
Sometimes these rogue cops do worse than just stand by while infidels are brutalized.
Earlier this summer in Indonesia, police in the West Papuan city of Karubaga opened fire on worshippers at the local congregation of the Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI), killing a fifteen-year-old boy, Endi Wanimbo, and wounding eleven other Christians. Indonesian authorities have hastened to protect the perpetrators: they have neither arrested the police officers responsible, nor released their names.
National police chief General Badrodin Haiti explained:
The victims were shot because they were pelting stones at Muslims who were just performing Eid prayers.
However, Natalius Pigai of the National Commission for Human Rights contradicted Haiti:
It seems to have been a misunderstanding that Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI) is being hostile to Islam. In fact, they were not planning to burn the mosque. People were upset because of the police shootings.
Haiti appears to be another rogue cop, willing to bend the truth to protect Muslims who harm Christians.
Most troubling, the problem of cops protecting Muslim perpetrators has been occurring in Western countries, too.
In non-Muslim countries, “infidel” police officers are so afraid of offending ever-so-easily-offended Muslim sensibilities that they turn a blind eye to crimes committed by Muslims — particularly when there is justification for such crimes in Islamic scripture and law.
The most appalling example of this came in the British city of Rotherham. There, 1,400 British non-Muslim children were gang-raped and brutalized by Muslims whose actions found Islamic justification in the Qur’an’s allowance for men to take non-Muslim “captives of the right hand” for use as sex slaves (4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50).
Police hesitated to act for fear of being considered “Islamophobic.”
A whistleblower noted the following about members of the Rotherham council:
They described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.
Last November, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) announced that it was going to investigate ten officers of the South Yorkshire Police Department for their role in covering up the activities of Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham.
But in this case, the cops weren’t rogue; their superiors were. These ten police officers were just being set up to take the fall….
Read the rest here.
French soccer fan converts to Islam, joins jihad terror group, blows himself up