VIDEO: How to Avoid Becoming a “Soft Target” In the Event of a Massacre
Last night on Fox Business I discussed the shameless, knee-jerk political response from Obama and the Left following the horrific mass shooting in Oregon before the facts were even known.
In the wake of yesterday’s horrific mass shooting on Oregon community college, Umpqua’s campus, here are four life-saving steps you can take to avoid becoming a “soft target” in the unlikely but tragic event that you find yourself in a similar situation:
- Have floor plans of your business readily available both at the business or location, in electronic format, and in an off-site location, in the unlikely event that your business or location is part of any attack, law enforcement officials will need these plans to effectively strike back.
- Disregard all of the politically driven narratives and do whatever you can do to legally obtain a concealed carry permit. Small-arms tactical attacks by terrorists will never be countered by begging, pleading, telling them you’re a gun-control supporter, or by spewing foul-language at them. These men and women are obsessed with death, and have zero-interest in gun “control” laws. They will obtain the weapons they need to carry out their perverse mission, the only relevant question is “will you obtain yours to fight back?”
- High-quality video cameras are affordable and easy to install and will assist law enforcement not only with the identification of terrorists and criminals, but also with the identification of the tactics they are using.
- Do whatever you can, within reason, to make your big business, school, stadium or theater, “small.” A terrorist involved in a small-arms tactical attack needs to move to implement maximum carnage. Movement is the terrorist’s best friend and your worst enemy. Anything from remote door locks, to cheap door chocks, to security gates at strategic locations can make your big location “small” and restrict movement and buy you, and law enforcement, time to respond.
RELATED ARTICLE: Why gun laws miss the mark – The Orange County Register
EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Conservative Review.