Achtung! Bernie Sanders goes ‘Nazi Chic’ with Shepard Fairey

Some decades ago a wise man said, “The fascists of tomorrow will be called anti-fascists.” It seems that tomorrow is already here and we may as well say, “The fascists of today call themselves anti-fascists.

“Enter Shepard Fairey, the favorite visual agitator and propagandist of the American Left. We don’t think he considers himself a fascist at all. It’s just that when he tries to think of the coolest possible visual for a socialist candidate like Bernie Sanders, he comes up with a design that not only screams “national socialism” due to its style and execution, but directly imitates the elements and composition of Nazi paraphernalia.

In a fit of tin-ear enthusiasm, he posts it on his site: SHOUTOUT FROM BERNIE!

nazis for bernie composit

The official Bernie Sanders campaign was only happy to run with it, selling T-shirts with Fairey’s design for $30 a piece. Black shirts, white shirts – but no brown shirts, sorry.Sanders_Nazi_Shirt_SCRN.jpg
The Feel-the-Bern crowd have obviously found this design extremely cool. It matches their Weltanschauung and breathes their Zeitgeist, calling for more Zusammengehörigkeit, a bigger Triumph des Willens and a schneller Marsch zum Führer, Partei Genosse Bernie Sanders. The fact that neither the artist nor any of the Sanderistas could see the connection is yet another proof that they are dumb-as-a-doorknob cultural and historical ignoramuses posing as enlightened sophisticates.This visual Freudian slip is an adequate representation of the Left’s totalitarianism that is indistinguishable from the fascistic totalitarianism which they so demonstrably oppose.

The same applies to their ideas, rhetoric, tactics, policies, and the very spirit of their movement. The irony becomes even bigger considering that in today’s world the actual fascists barely even exist, while the “anti-fascist” Left has already grabbed more totalitarian power than the historical fascists could ever dream of.As our friend Jamie Glazov likes to say, “inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out,” which also happens to be the theme of our award-winning essay in FrontPage.

That also seems to be the theme of Bernie’s political revolution: a future you better believe in, or else.

Bernie’s Fascist Yearning…

By the time I finished putting together the images, this story was already posted in many other places:

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

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