Amnesty: President Obama, the Cabinet and the U.S. Congress
Our nations cabinet is composed of the President and most senior appointed officers of the Executive Branch of the Federal government of the United States. The existence of the Cabinet dates back to President George Washington, who appointed a cabinet of only four persons: Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson; Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton; Secretary of War Henry Knox and Attorney General Edmund Randolph. This was all President Washington needed to kick start and build the most exceptional nation in the world, the United States of America.
Over time Collectivists were elected in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate and now the White House. The federal government has expanded into a conglomerate of corrupt anti-Constitutional public employees accountable to no one. It is a massive wheel of corruption and indignation filled with unconstitutional cabinet positions such as: the Departments of Education, Environmental Protection, Energy and Labor. The American taxpayers are their slaves and work hard to support these corrupt non productive freedom crushing bureaucrats with their hard earned income taxes. The American people are no longer free. They are chained to their part time jobs feeding a government machine with the sweat of their brow at the expense of their families health and happiness.

President Obama meeting with Congressional leaders in the Old Family Dining Room of the White House on November 7, 2014. (Evan Vucci/AP)
We have reached a Constitutional crisis as President Obama is about to by-pass the U.S. Congress once again. On November 20th, 2014, a day that will live in infamy, President Obama will launch another strike against “We the People” with an unconstitutional Executive Order regarding immigration.
President Obama states he is going to “fix” immigration. The problem is the immigration laws are not broken, they are actually very strong.
What we have is a Chief Executive, Cabinet and government bureaucracy that refuses to enforce the current laws, which created the illegal alien problem in the first place. This is a typical Saul Alinsky tactic and pure Marxism in its intent. The goal is to overload our nations welfare, social programs and school systems. Obama is going to over whelm it with illegal immigrants to accelerate the collapse of our Republics social structure and fabric.
“The principal Officer in each of the executive Departments” is mentioned in Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, and “Heads of Departments” in Clause 2. This is the Article in the Constitution about the Executive Branch of the government.
President Obama does not recognize the Constitution and will earn himself an impeachment hearing.
The next problem we have is a weak and ineffective House Speaker John Boehner. He has repeatedly failed to exhibit leadership skills. He had to assign a mouth piece to speak for him regarding President Obama’s attack on our Constitution instead of facing the cameras himself.
On November 4th, 2014 the American people demanded that the Republican party and the leadership in the Congress stand up for the nation and start to lead this country. Some believe President Obama and the Obamacrats, as in Ferguson, Missouri, are pushing the American people into to a civil war.
Mr. Obama is being called a dictator by men like former U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Allen West and Senator Ted Cruz. The Republican led Congress either needs do its job to protect this nation or step aside and let others fill your empty suits. We need leadership in our Congress during these very difficult times. Civil war is brewing internally across this nation and we must restore law and order starting with the impeachment of Obama.
Do our job Speaker Boehner or step aside and let a real man or woman take charge. You are putting this nation in great jeopardy with your inaction and its time to lead, sir, not hide away in fear. Remember there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Tomorrow the Collectivist in the White House who lied and deceived the American people to pass Obamacare is about to slaughter the American minimum wage earners by undercutting American jobs by giving 5 plus million illegals a legal status. How did the American people allow this to happen? What has happened to the backbone of this nation? Where are the brave and honorable statesmen elected to lead this nation to prosperity?
In my opinion they have all been molded into compliant cowards because they are scared to death that Obama and his Obamacrats will pull the race card if they do the right thing and stand-up for American citizens, legal and naturalized.
It is time for Americans to peacefully surround the White House as the Constitution allows until President Obama has been removed from office by the Congressional Master at Arms. But first we must find a leader to lead in the Congress. It isn’t John Boehner. Who is willing to lead? Republican need someone to step up to the plate before its too late!
Obama’s Unilateral Amnesty Really Will Be Unprecedented—and Unconstitutional
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