I Was WRONG About Same-Sex Marriage [+video]

John Zmirak

John Zmirak

John Zmirak is the author of Gay Totalitarianism and the Coming Persecution of Christians: Hatred of the Gospel is boiling over into the vilification of Christians. State violence won’t be far behind, history teaches.

Zmirak writes:

President Obama, and each of the Clintons, has made a public statement parallel to my own on this volatile topic, so I stand in illustrious company as I say it: I wish to reverse my previous public statements on same-sex marriage.

The progress of law, the statements and actions of gay advocates, and the movement of public opinion have rendered my old views repugnant to me, and I now I offer a full and public retraction. Thanks to the hard work of Apple, Walmart, and the national media, I have changed my mind on same sex marriage.

I now oppose it.

Read more.

Listen to Zmirak explain why he was wrong:

RELATED VIDEO: Hitler Reacts To Denied #GayWeddingCake by Steven Crowder


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