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Over the past five years of the Saudi-sponsored war in Syria, the United States has admitted a grand total of only 53 Syrian Christian refugees and just one lone Yazidi, despite all the media attention on the Yazidi situation last year.
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What shall I tell the Yazidi sheiks when I meet with them in early December?
I will never forget the religious leaders in Lebanon last December saying to me, “We cannot trust the United States government. You are now bombing ISIS, when two or three years ago, you were arming what is now ISIS?!”
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Now our president, while at the G20 Summit in Turkey, in reaction to the Paris multiple-terrorist bombings and carnage, tells the world that we will “stay the course” for victory. What???
Obama held a press conference in which he said the terror attacks in Paris that left 130, including one American dead, will not change his policy in regards to ISIS, and that he still will not consider American boots on the ground in Syria or Iraq.
Although the Joint Chiefs of Staff would recommend many boots on the ground, seemingly, they are afraid to contradict the “Commander-in-Chief”.

Reverend Armstrong with Iraqi Christians. Photo by Bob Armstrong.
However, former New York City Mayor Rudy Guliani, weighed in on the outrage where every country is against ISIS even more. Guliani said, “I don’t care about public opinion. I care about the national security of the United States. We should have 30,000 or 40,000 troops in Iraq. If we had had them there consistently, ISIS would never have emerged.”
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The French military has bombed more of ISIS strongholds in two days, than the United States has bombed in almost six months! Hello??
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According to the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) 19,000 Syrians have been picked straight from “refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan” and given U.N. approval for resettlement in the United States. However, most Christians are NOT in the United Nations refugee camps because of assaults and rapes by Muslims. Most Christians are “urban refugees” living in basements of rundown buildings – and worse – in cities. Virtually all of the 19,000 Syrian “refugees” will be Sunni Muslims who have a hatred for free Western governments.
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Former Iraqi General Georges Sada (right) with Reverend Bob Armstrong. Photo courtesy of Bob Armstrong.
According to former Iraqi General Georges Sada, head of Saddam’s Air Force and then a consultant to former President George W. Bush (and even now a consultant to the current Iraqi government on a daily basis) he knew a month ago that President Obama would send a few troops in to fight ISIS, “ONLY because Russia has taken the lead in the region!” I had the privilege of having a private lunch with him.
Although he does not speak to many American audiences, except the United States War College, he reveals that Americans really do not want to hear the truth! He states, “America’s best supposed ‘allies’ in the Middle East are: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. Yet these three countries provide over three-fourths of the money to fund worldwide terrorism!”
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The United States is giving BILLIONS of dollars to bonafide terrorists in Iran as a part of the supposed “Iran Nuclear Deal” even while Iran gathers and chants “DEATH TO AMERICA!”
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Then there are the arguments for and against immigration. Yes, I am for legal immigration. Yes, I am for protecting our borders with a wall or whatever is required. Our 21,444 U. S. Border Patrol agents need our support and backing, regardless of the inaction by our government in reference to enforcement.
I am against illegal immigrants who disobey our laws to gain access to America, regardless of their color or creed or culture. How can I teach my child to obey laws, if the United States government turns a blind eye to people who are disobeying the laws. (Of course we cannot deport 12 million people. How ludicrous!) But something must be done to STOP the illegal flow!
What about a future attack on the United States? A new Islamic State video is pointing toward New York City as a terrorist target. The New York Post reports: “The images of New York City are spliced between disturbing clips of suicide bombers preparing for attacks. A fighter also holds a grenade, pulling the trigger as the camera cuts to black. French President Francois Hollande then appears on screen, giving an address just after the Paris attacks. At the end of his speech, he says, “It’s horrible!” Then words flash on the screen, saying, “And what’s coming next will be far worse and more bitter.”
Obviously, the United States of America is in the “crosshairs” of a future attack by ISIS.
Breitbart News reports: “Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector.
A local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally enter the country in the Laredo Sector. The sources claimed that eight Syrians were apprehended on Monday, November 16, 2015.
Honduran officials have arrested five Syrians who intended to go to the United States with stolen Greek passports.
On and on, the stories continued to multiply.
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Our current administration is like a “Trojan Horse” in assisting Terrorism and radical Islam to make it to the shores of the United States of America. Islam is on the verge of accomplishing in half a dozen years what the Ottoman Empire could not do in 600 years – conquer Europe! Our own U. S. President supports the Muslim Brotherhood!
“But Muslims are peace-loving!” contends many people, even former President George W. Bush. I understand there are those who do love peace and their peaceful way of life in America, but if one were to thoroughly read the Qur’an, and act upon every part, there is really no such thing as a “peace-loving” Muslim.
Most Islamists do not understand that their “cult” is disguised as a religion as they “worship” this false god called “Allah” who directs them to torture and kill anyone who does not submit. They even convince many that Allah and God are one in the same!
President Obama and “wanna-be president” Hillary Clinton both continue to defend radical Muslims. But Islam is for sure tied to every ISIS attack.
Just in the last few hours, in Mali, Islamic Jihadists released a number of the hostages unharmed after they proved that they were Muslims by reciting, for the jihadis, verses of the Qur’an.
In the 2008 Mumbai, India terror attacks, the Islamic terrorists from Pakistan released a number of hostages from the hotel. They did this when the hostages in question proved that they were Muslims by reciting passages from the Qur’an.
A little-known fact is during the Mumbai attacks, a Muslim Labour MP who was in the hotel at the time of the attack was allowed to leave unharmed by the Islamic Pakistani terrorists. He never gave any interviews about his experiences but seems to have withdrawn to the margins of obscurity in British politics. Maybe one day France and Great Britain will have a Muslim majority electorate. Dear Lord, help us! A well-known Muslim told me: “We do not need to fire a shot to win control. France and England allow Muslims to practice their religion of having four wives. Considering all the children, one day we will be in the majority in France and England.” Wow.
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Much has been said on social media about the refugees who drowned in the Mediterranean, but no one is forcing these people onto unsafe boats. They all do so willingly. President Obama wants to bring 10,000 Syrian refuges (how many are terrorists?) into the United States. However, the number of refugees welcomed by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, etc. is ABSOLUTELY ZERO!!
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With the backdrop of the Paris terrorist attacks, which left 130 dead including one American, President Obama wants to continue our no-win policy against ISIS. Former GOP House Majority Leader Tom DeLay urges: “The president in his press conference, what I saw was he all but surrendered. He has surrendered to ISIS! We have a president that’s feckless, that’s incompetent, that has no idea what he is doing. His worldview is the wrong worldview for a war president and Congress has to say it. Congress has to stand up.”
The recent anti-Immigration of Syrians bill voted on this past week had nearly 50 Democrats joining the Republicans, but it falls far short of solving the problem. After this past week’s vote, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed to kill the bill even though it received overwhelming bipartisan support in the House.
In another immigration bill, President Obama is vowing to veto the bill which would increase the screening for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States. The bill would add FBI background checks. Despite the European terror attacks, President Obama simply does not “get it.”
This invasion of America, which is called immigration, is the biggest threat to your personal safety of our generation. In fact, even before the immigration crisis of the last four months, we faced the biggest immigration crisis since World War II. But this could lead to the “Trojan Horse” of terrorism in the USA!
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Most Americans understand there may be a major terrorist attack in the United States.
The Washington Post – ABC News survey, finds an unbelievable 83 percent of registered voters believe a terrorist attack in the United States resulting in large casualties is likely in the near future. Forty percent say a major attack is “very likely,” matching the level of concern after the 2005 subway bombings in Britain.
Get this, in spite of what our President says, the survey shows that 59 percent think “The United States is at war with radical Islam.” YET, President Obama and presidential candidate Clinton refuse to use that term as the enemy!
In spite of all the worldwide carnage and the terrorism finger pointed directly at the United States of America, our “Commander in Chief” is hell-bent on making “Gun Control” his legacy in his last year in office. I am reminded of Ronald Reagan’s advice: “Self-defense is not only our right; it is our duty.”
Please don’t be sucked into the potent videos children being killed by guns. Bad people will always somehow have access to weapons. Americans must cling to their Second Amendment rights: To defend themselves and their families.
It is against this dismal backdrop that I plan on meeting the enemy head-on in December for three weeks.
If you will recall the daily news last August, 2014 about the Iraqi people who were surrounded by ISIS on a mountaintop, the Yazidis. One-half of the men women and children were slaughtered by ISIS (5,000). The USA dropped from the air food, water and blankets, while the Kurds finally rescued the other half. Genocide, on a smaller scale, still continues in that region. I plan to spend one week in December with them: giving them food, encouraging them, and showing them the love of Christ. Yes, it is still considered a “war zone.”
In fact a Kurd offensive was begun earlier this week, as first reported by CNN to rid Sinjar of the 300 ISIS fighters. U. S. Coalition forces bombed strategic regions near there this past week! But my “insiders” tell me they will be rid of by the time I get there! Pray the Kurds eliminate ALL the IEDs! I will be a couple of miles from ISIS territories and within six miles where Turkey last month – and yesterday – bombed the PKK of the Kurds.
Even though God nudged me to do this, and I will be safe because of Him, for three days I will have five armed bodyguards of the Assyrian Christian “Special Forces”. Confidentially, the Nineveh Plains Protection Unit!
In addition, I will spend the day at a special home for 30 Yazidi women where they have been brutally raped by ISIS (and their husbands killed by ISIS)! I need divine guidance on how to encourage these dear women who have sacrificed ALL. It is like a Rehab Center “on steroids.”
Then the second and third week I will be in Iraq, Jordan, and near the Syrian border in Lebanon, partnering with my good friend, Bill Murray, in the Religious Freedom Coalition’s program “Christmas for Refugees.” Thousands of refugee children will be fed, and their parents will receive food for a week for the entire family, as well as a Bible in their own language.
Last year, I was within 100 yards of ISIS tents; and several Muslims came to know Christ. An ISIS sympathizer infiltrated the church. As a result, according to General Georges Sada, former Iraqi general and present consultant with the Iraqi government on a daily basis, he informed me that I have a $300,000 kidnapping bounty on my head by ISIS, if I came to Baghdad region of Iraq!!
I am not “crying wolf” now. This trip is extremely serious…even one of a kind. NO ONE is reaching the Yazidis except a couple of my new friends! I will be within a few miles where the United States just this weekend sent Special Forces into Syria. Russia’s presence is already enormous in Syria!
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EDITOR’S NOTE: Bob Armstrong needs to raise $10,000 before December 3rd for his security-conscience Middle East trip to feed Yazidis and refugee children. If you can assist, financially, thank you. All gifts to Lovelink Ministries are tax-deductible.
Readers who wish may give by check. Please email Bob Armstrong at: bobkimandb@gmail.com. To give online, go to www.LovelinkMinistries.com
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