Detroit: Trump Unveils an Economic Plan for the 99%

Donald Trump gave a major speech at the Detroit Economic Club. Why Detroit? Because Detroit is a symbol of everything Democrats and Hillary embrace: poverty, high taxes, crime, unemployment and government regulation in every person’s life. The 99% have suffered under Detroit’s Democratic leaders.

Trump noted:

Our party has chosen to make new history by selecting a nominee from outside the rigged and corrupt system. The other party has reached backwards into the past to choose a nominee from yesterday – who offers only the rhetoric of yesterday, and the policies of yesterday.

Trump began with the following:

In short, the city of Detroit is the living, breathing example of my opponent’s failed economic agenda. Every policy that has failed this city, and so many others, is a policy supported by Hillary Clinton. She supports the high taxes and radical regulation that forced jobs out of your community…and the crime policies that have made you less safe…and the immigration policies that have strained local budgets…and the trade deals like NAFTA, signed by her husband, that have shipped your jobs to Mexico and other countries… and she supports the education policies that deny your students choice, freedom and opportunity.

She is the candidate of the past. Ours is the campaign of the future.

Trump then laid out twenty-one policies to save Detroit and with it make American great again. Here are the policy statements from Trump’s Detroit speech:

  1. As part of this new future, we will also be rolling out Proposals to increase choice and reduce cost in childcare, offering much needed relief to American families.
  2. I am proposing an across-the-board income tax reduction, especially for middle-income Americans.
  3. [W]e will eliminate the Carried Interest Deduction, a well-known deduction, and other special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors, and people like me, but unfair to American workers.
  4. Tax simplification will be a major feature of the plan. Our current tax code is so burdensome and complex that we waste 9 billion hours a year in tax code compliance. We will work with House Republicans on this plan, using the same brackets they have proposed: 12, 25 and 33 percent.
  5. My plan will reduce the current number of [tax] brackets from 7 to 3, and dramatically streamline the process.
  6. My plan will also help reduce the cost of childcare by allowing parents to fully deduct the average cost of childcare spending from their taxes.
  7. [N]o family will have to pay the death tax. American workers have paid taxes their whole lives, and they should not be taxed again at death – it’s just plain wrong. And most people agree with that. We will repeal it.
  8. These reforms will offer the biggest tax revolution since the Reagan Tax Reform, which unleashed years of continued economic growth and job creation. We will Make America Grow Again.
  9. Under my plan, no American company will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. In other words, we’re reducing your taxes from 35% to 15%.
  10. We will also give our police and law enforcement the funds and support they need to restore law and order to this country. Without security, there can be no prosperity.We must have law and order.
  11. One of my first acts as President will be to repeal and replace disastrous Obamacare, saving another 2 million American jobs.
  12. We will build the next generation of roads, bridges, railways, tunnels, sea ports and airports that our country deserves. American cars will travel the roads, American planes will connect our cities, and American ships will patrol the seas.
  13. American steel will send new skyscrapers soaring. We will put new American metal into the spine of this nation.
  14. It will be American hands that rebuild this country, and it will be American energy -mined from American sources – that powers this country.
  15. It is time to remove the [federal regulatory] anchor dragging us down, and that’s what it’s doing – it’s dragging us down. Upon taking office, I will issue a temporary moratorium on new agency regulations.
  16. I will ask each and every federal agency to prepare a list of all of the regulations they impose on Americans which are not necessary, do not improve public safety, and which needlessly kill many many jobs. Those regulations will be eliminated quickly.
  17. I have announced we will withdraw from the [TPP] deal before that can ever ever ever happen.
  18. At the center of my plan is trade enforcement with China.
  19. A Trump Administration will end this war on the American worker, and unleash an energy revolution that will bring vast new wealth to our country. According to the Institute for Energy Research, lifting the restrictions on all sources of American energy will: Increase GDP by more than $100 billion dollars annually, add over 500,000 new jobs annually, and increase annual wages by more than $30 billion dollars over the next 7 years; Increase federal, state, and local tax revenues by almost $6 trillion dollars over 4 decades; Increase total economic activity by more than $20 trillion dollars over the next 40 years.
  20. When we reform our tax, trade, energy and regulatory policies, we will open a new chapter in American Prosperity. We can use this new wealth to rebuild our military and our infrastructure.
  21. It will be American workers who are hired to do the job. Americanism, not globalism, will be our new credo.

Trump ended with:

They want you to think small. I am asking you to think big. We are ready to dream great things for our country once again. We are ready to show the world that America is Back — Bigger, and Better and Stronger Than Ever Before.

RELATED VIDEO: Donald Trump’s Full Economic Plan Speech in Detroit, Michigan (August 8, 2016).


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