China Is Spanking Biden!

The People’s Republic of China has raised its level of aggression towards the US exponentially since the fraudulent arrival of the Biden Administration into power.

They, like all our enemies, Syria, Russia, Iran etc. understand they are dealing with a crook, all be it a severely mentally challenged crook. They know he is weak and they know he is corrupt. They understand he is doing to America what they could only dream of doing. Destroying us.

They fear nothing anymore as opposed to when the lawful winner of the 2016 and 2020 elections, President Trump was in office. There was a strong patriotic man who put our interests first, who loved as opposed to hating America.

Apart from being caught red handed in the bacteriological attack on the rest of the world, otherwise known as the Chinese Virus ( Covid ) and having evidence that they hid the problem, lied about it, did nothing to restrict its rapid global spread and fed the gullible and weak WHO lies which they accepted, China has been busy on many other fronts. I have told you before, that I believe when China realized what they had done, that the result could have been the ruination of their economy, made a deliberate decision to spread it internationally so as to destroy other economies and not leave themselves at a disadvantage.

I wrote a few weeks ago about how these Commies broke the Hong Kong agreement with the UK. The basis of that agreement was that the human rights allowed under British rule would be good for the first 50 years of Chinese rule. The people of Hong Kong have been systematically stripped of those basic human rights. They, the Chinese, have thumbed their noses at the British with seeming immunity and now are doing the same to the United States as China flexes it’s growing financial muscle and military strength.

China has taken the lead in refinancing an almost destroyed ( By President Trump ) Iran and its economy. It is pouring money into Iran and opened a Chinese Iranian bank. It is ignoring American sanctions on Iranian oil exports and financial dealings.

They are blatantly treating the Uighur minority in the most barbarous fashion and destroying independent religious practice within its borders. They are constantly terrorizing Taiwan.

To all these actions and many others we have not seen Biden or his administration say anything with any substance. Oh yeah, he talks a great talk about white racism, white privilege, right wing suprematism, Donald Trump and his actions which were destroying the very swamp where Biden made a great living for over 40 years. But on China despite several meetings and opportunities nothing has been said that would make China pause. Not even give them a perceived problem.

European nations are as weak and obviously not willing to act alone without America. This we have seen with the UK as regards Hong Kong. No European country is interested nor has the backbone to take on China without the US leading the way. ( And paying for it!! )

China is feeling its oats again. They feel invincible and in today’s world they may just be right.

How pitiful that that evil Communist country is now fearless of the rest of the world. America has become an old toothless dog that no longer can guard anything. We are susceptible to bribes and are determined to turn our once proud nation into a third world socialist country ruled by other nations.

Biden is a total disgrace. He always has been. He always will be. He and his family are corrupt and perverted. He is a proven traitor who has enriched himself at the expense of our Constitutional Republic.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

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