Kentucky Teen’s Cardiac Arrest NOT Due to Flooding, Says Cardiologist

An AP article featured on Yahoo blamed flooding for a cardiac arrest of a teen who helped clean-up after the flooding. He was “officially added to the list of those who died as a result of the flooding.”

This is media misinformation as they fail to report cardiology findings, says Richard Ruhling, a retired MD who had a Fellowship in Cardiology, citing the American Heart Association’s journal:

“We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.” Stephen Gundry, MD, Circulation (November 16, 2021 Vol 144, Issue Suppl_1)

Since Biden gave the media $1 Billion to promote the shot, we do not have a free press that gives truth on this topic. A nursing home healthcare worker reported seeing 32 patients die after the shot, but it didn’t make the evening news—it didn’t fit what they wanted to say, but it’s also a silent warning posted by the FDA in 2020.

Death is one of the adverse events. Biden’s mandate of the shot is a mandate for death and poetic justice could see him die before his term is up for the millions of lives he has disrupted in collusion with a lying pharma, CDC and Fauci. Here are examples:

Marcia Angell, MD was an editor of the New England journal of medicine.  She authored the book, The Truth About the Drug Companies; How They Deceive Us. The CDC the CDC makes billions from the patents they own on vaccines and their recommendations for little children to get so many shots when there’s little or no risk, but greed is in the details, says Ruhling, citing “Top Scientists Eviscerate Fauci and Daszak for ‘Silencing Debate’.

Ruhling cites Bill Gates who said a worse pandemic is coming this fall and the gov is pushing shots again. Ruhling claims worse is coming because the mRNA vaccine has ruined the natural immune system for millions who may die this coming winter, and he offers three tips to help immunity.

  1. Citing Colin Campbell, PhD, that whole foods, plant-based diet is best for immunity and could help most people who take prescription drugs to reduce their toxic levels. Those prescriptions are a significant reason why patients with diabetes high blood pressure and cholesterol have a higher mortality rate with covid, reported by the UK with 90% of people dying from covid are fully vaccinated. Similar figures for Israel, but the US is hiding the truth behind Biden’s billion to media.
  2. Not only do drugs and animal products lower immunity, but sugar is why the flu season hits after the holidays. If we get sick, fasting is helpful as it enhances white blood cell hunger for germs.
  3. Alternate hot and cold showers increase the white blood cells in circulation. Ruhling has finished his showers with 5-10 seconds of cold for 65 years since a high school coach recommended it. Extra Vitamin C can help if coming down with flu.

Ruhling says, Why wait for Biden to die—he should be impeached for pushing the shot when he knows so little of the above facts.

Classic Misinformation on from Media.

This short video could also be instructive to churches that are accepting government mandates.

©Richard Ruhling, MD. All rights reserved.

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