The Human Cost of the Dialectic War Against our Identity
The following is from a comment left at Vlad today. It is an analysis of a true account of which, some of the more gruesome details have actually been left out. At some point one can hope, the Ottawa Police will make it, and others like it public, so that we might come to understand the cost of policies and tactics which lead to these outcomes. One might argue that denying us this knowledge is another crime on top of a crime.
The article Johnnyu refers to is this one.
For anyone wishing to understand these times as a gestalt of dialectic attack, please consider investing some time and effort to read the materials at this site. A great place to begin is this article, mentioned on Bill Warner’s interview.
On to the guest post story by Johnnyu
Last week a friend of mine received a text from an old neighbor. They had shared the same fence for a few years, then lost touch. It was a nice family, she said, of a mother, father and three children. The father wrote to say his 23-year old son had killed himself. He had written his suicide note on a wall in his own blood here in Ottawa. In the note he made reference to Dear Leader’s war on “…CO2 breathers…”. (paraphrased) The young man with his welding certificate was obviously disturbed. He had refused Covid injections and had lost his job, and in the note lamented the effects of the lockdown on his social life. The police said it was the worst Covid suicide they had ever seen.
This week more information came out. The young man was more mentally ill than was known to outsiders. While not every detail of his life, specifically, was abnormal in the context of our society today, in their aggregate they reveal something I find pertinent.
If I recount things wrongly it is because they come to me indirectly, but I hope you agree that full accuracy becomes slightly irrelevant when applied more broadly.
This young white man had gone through a Rastafarian phase where he dreadlocked his hair. He was extensively tattooed and pierced. He may have been involved in illegal drugs. He painted his finger and toenails with nail polish and said on social media he was “transitioning”. There is likely more to his search for identity, but I won’t speculate. It’s too sad, too serious, and too tragic. My friend’s daughter, who was near his age and more familiar with the story, told her mother it was a trend.
A trend. What kind of trend can follow this? What, exactly, repeats here? An identity crisis?
Certainly confusion, not even confined to the young, who find themselves untethered in an unrelenting information battle space assaulting them at every turn. I see in him a young man trying to understand the world, and himself, while attempting to do so in a world that is lost and on the move in ways we have never seen on such a scale. He was trying to assimilate too many of the things that today’s society says you must in order to be a good person. Meanwhile he was trying to think for himself by questioning the climate change narrative. Talk about a little boat tossed by a storm.
When I considered this story in terms of Eeyore’s outline of the attack on our value system by communist dialectics, the two seemed to fit. Vulnerable, impressionable people subjected, to their core, by an unrelenting stream of demoralizing assaults, may find their emotional cups, so to speak, running over. Is it any wonder when even we dinosaurs feel overwhelmed, sometimes, and have to take a break? This young man was the very manifestation of this psychological, dialectic warfare. He had tried to be everything, and so inevitably despaired into being not enough of anything. No one gets to this point without both a brain and a heart working overtime.
I become even more sympathetic to his plight when I see the endless, similar embodiments of dialectic attack walking the streets. Strolling statues to so-called diversity, inclusion, tolerance, and sexual dysphoria abound on our sidewalks replete in blue hair, nose rings, and proud, obese, tattooed body positivity. The now-famous question, “What is a woman?” dissolves away as the debate slides on the dialectic grease ever left until there are no longer capable men or women left to ask the basic questions. Such a question is asked, nay screamed, only because the dialectic inferno is raging. Yes, it becomes debated because today’s reality will be discussed ad nauseum until the ground is shifted yet again beneath our feet. New conclusions will be met by “consensus”, then further debate on “new” realities continues because our goal posts have been moved again. Such moral relativism is built on linguistic slights-of hand such as the term, “pregnant people”. –Seemingly innocuous, ridiculous, but as sharply-edged and purpose built as a Japanese kitchen knife. It is a nudge among endless nudges with words into ever-new dystopian pseudo-reality. Nudge. We’re not in Kansas any more. Nudge. Kansas will be forgotten when we’re gone. Nudge. That’s the plan. Nudge.
No wonder there are mounting casualties.
EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.
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