The Slow Death of the American Dream

Recently I was talking with a friend. I remarked how sad it was that what I envisioned  for America in the 1960-70s are coming true. Once fully implemented the Plan calls for complete control of every aspect of human activity by the communist UN as your one world government under your new world order. Once small and regional banks go under,  desperate people will take government jobs and will become the new group of indoctrinated slaves.

It is important that you know this fact: The authors of the initial plan, were addicts Each had their own habit as the addiction of choice but they were mostly incoherent. Nothing has changed.  They are supreme marketers but due to affirmative action there is little upstairs. Most plans were written under the influence of something.  They lack common sense and create chaos.  Which is the point so you won’t notice inflation, regulations, and the fact that the plans don’t work but cost a lot of money.  Boy was George Washington was right about a 2 party system. The big difference between the 60s – 70s and today is that we are now living with the results of these destructive policies. The intent is to keep you ignorant. divert your attention to something emotional, and most important stop you from talking to each other. Get Americans to fight Americans and America will fail.

The 60s set the stage. The children of the Baby Boomers were the second generation of indoctrinated youth. Life overall in the beginning of the 60’s looked good. We had a lot to look forward to. Then the assassination of Pres. John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert F Kennedy, Malcolm X, and others, brought depression to the populace. When a void is created, it will be filled. The kids were ripe for Communism. We hated everything to do with the establishment, family and G-d.  Communism was slipped in by offering a platform for hatred.

Read the 45 Goals of Communism in the 1963  Congressional Record.

45 Declared Communist Takeover Goals (1963) Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35

Communists tell you exactly what they want to do. So why are we surprised when they do it? They are not playing.  Their desire is to turn America into another Venezuela hellhole, or Argentina hell hole. They will not rest until you own nothing and they are happy.

The phrase, ” you will own nothing and be happy”. Should be burned in your brain. Communists are not fooling but what they really mean is, you will own nothing and they will be happy. Your new home will be determined by your government job. You are told,  “The government will take care of you. The government will tell you what to do and how to do it. What to wear or to drive, what to eat, what job.” Now someone else will make your choices, your destiny, YOUR AMERICAN DREAM. How will you feel knowing as hard as you work you are nothing special? Your achievement doesn’t count.

Everyone is addicted to something. If it is drugs we call it an addiction. If it is a good addiction we call it a habit. When to take away a person’s burning desire to do something a void is created and they are emotionally ready to be manipulated by its replacement.  They are prime for hate and ready for communism.  Ready to be turned into a vulnerable victim. When what you have to do to succeed is granted by someone else, it’s not really your victory. So you turn to sex, drugs, music, activism, media, technology, pornography. What’s the difference? All actions are under government control all departments singing the same song, “you will have nothing and be happy.”

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie… The American dream to be an owner and be able to use your ownership as leverage to help make you successful is now gone. Motivation to invent something new is gone. We must acknowledge there is always going to be evil.  Before you prepared for the fight against evil  read history and know what you fight.  Print and constantly read the Goals, form your plan.  The TRUTH is our salvation from escaping this evil. Prepare your family, then take on your local community. When you do nothing your enemy takes that as compliance and the rope gets another notch tighter.

After World War II the country was celebrating. The assassination of President John Kennedy, Martin Luther king Jr, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X and others changed  everything. Hatred was allowed to rule the day all across the country. Thanks to Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground over 2,000 Federal, government buildings were bombed. Every day we would wake up to a riot someplace else. Do not think for one minute that what you see today never happened before. Riots and Chaos are their plan.  Transformation means destruction. Once Kennedy died the country was so depressed that most did not pay attention to politics because they were busy getting high. And by design those who wish harm to America were able to put their evil plans in place as the American Dream became American Drugs.

Pay attention to Goal number 33:  “Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.” Karl Mark’s had a deep hatred for the idea that people would own private property.  To him nothing should be private.  Everything including you, your land, your person, your belongings, your religion, and your family should belong to the state. Today’s communist in the 20th and 21st centuries believe Marks and focus on land ownership which they deem as racist. After all if I own property and you don’t that is not fair. The fact that Americans can own the land and what is below their land is a horror to the elite.  If you own your land you can do whatever you want with it.  So the Communists will tax it and restrict it in any way possible making up any lie they feel to take your land away from you so that you no longer have equity  or leverage for loans and business expansion. Their goal is to force you to live on the government and that is called control.

What do the  say about land ownership:

Maurice Strong former UN Secretary General –Oil Billionaire, one of the Architects of Agenda 21 –stated: “Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.”

Communist want your land and they will lie, cheat and steal in order to get it.

According to Dr. Coffman’s map of the Wildlands project, humans will live in smart cities which are those little black dots you see on the map. More than 50% of the land will go back to the WILD.  Today Americans live on less than 5% of America’s land. If farming was not restricted due to lies, America could feed the world.  Communist lie about land and they lie about food.  They CRAVE shortages and will use the shortages  to create riots where neighbor will fight neighbor.  The revolution will be destruction, riots and Americans fighting each other. Get your kids out of public schools or their minds will be twisted and they will hate you, G-D and America.

It is up to us to make sure our local communities do not feed this destruction of privacy with the implementation of Smart Cities. “Smart city development typically focuses on the implementation of technologies like the IoT, 5G, cloud and edge computing, and biometric surveillance to track, manage, control and extract profit from an array of urban processes.”  Brenda Baletti, Ph.D,

Remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everyone follows the same plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES. Communists, RINOS, Democrats lied about: Covid, Vaccines, Climate, Energy, Fossil Fuel, Guns, Food, Land, Trump, MAGA, Afghanistan, Iraq, Education, Transgender, Everything…

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL

Is America worth saving? What are you doing to Save America?

Wildlands Map:

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