Can a President Who Can’t Tell Apart Iraq and Ukraine Make Decisions About Them?

Biden slipped up twice in 24 hours, confusing Iraq with Ukraine.

What is the standard for competency for presidents? At the very least, the ability to tell apart two major conflicts that affect the United States.

President Joe Biden slipped up twice in the last 24 hours by confusing the US war in Iraq with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking to reporters Wednesday on the South Lawn of the White House, Biden said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had been weakened by a shocking mutiny by a mercenary group that’s played a critical role in his war with Ukraine.

“He is clearly losing the war in Iraq,” Biden said of Putin, evidently meaning to refer to Ukraine. “He’s losing the war at home, and he has become a bit of a pariah around the world.”

At least he didn’t call Putin, George W. Bush.

Biden made a similar mistake while speaking to donors Tuesday evening at a campaign fundraiser in Chevy Chase, Maryland, about his efforts to galvanize US allies in support of Kyiv.

“If anybody told you — and my staff wasn’t so sure, either — that we’d be able to bring all of Europe together in the onslaught on Iraq and get NATO to be completely united, I think they would have told you it’s not likely,” the president said, again meaning to say Ukraine.

He also spoke about his “new best friend” being the “prime minister of a little country that’s now the largest in the world, China,” before correcting himself that he meant to say India.

Back in November, Biden also mixed up Iraq and Ukraine during a speech in Florida while defending his policies from accusations they have fueled inflation.

“Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq and the impact on oil, and what Russia is doing,” the president said.

He quickly caught the mistake. “I mean, excuse me, the war in Ukraine,” he said.

When the president can’t tell apart Ukraine and Iraq, it’s a major problem. Biden keeps flashing back to the Iraq War which defined the final phase of his Senate career and his vice presidency.

Even Bloomberg is forced to notice that Biden is unfit, not only because of corruption, but because his mind is untethered from the realities of the moment.

How long can this go on?



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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